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DuckTales #1





DuckTales #1 


One of the reasons I enjoy going to the comic book store every other weekend is to see what new and interesting comics that might be there. DuckTales #1 is a great example. There was no advertising in other comic books about this series. I did not find a catalog from this company or any other reference to this comic book. Which tells me their PR and Marketing people are failing them badly. They should be advertising with Family Friendly Gaming to properly get the word out.

The cost of DuckTales #1 was $4.99. There are twenty-four pages of comic book content within DuckTales #1. There is also a page devoted to the next issue, some advertisement pages, and three pages of the cover gallery in DuckTales #1. The credits at on the back of the front cover and on part of the first page. Why were the credits needed twice in DuckTales #1 right by one another?

There will be spoilers in my review of the DuckTales #1 comic book. I do not feel like this comic book series got off to a good start. DuckTales #1 hops all around the place. Uncle Scrooge and his three nephews are in the money bin counting the money. The nephews need to point out they are not being paid for this work. The kids want their uncle to tell them stories, but he has other things to do.

Then we get a couple of stories on a mask, and a treasure chest. DuckTales #1 does have some interesting concepts in it. Uncle Scrooge does not shy away from manual labor. Scrooge McDuck also built most of the town. Scrooge believes you must do it yourself to make sure it is done right. Of course Scrooge also saves money in DuckTales #1 by doing it himself. He does not need to pay someone else for the work.

DuckTales #1 also references all of the treasures in the town. The four ducks walked from the Money Bin to the mansion on foot. There was no use of the car or any other transportation devices in DuckTales #1. Scrooge talks about working and then winds up spending all of his time with his nephews. They got multiple stories in DuckTales #1. I love how they spend time together as a family.
- Paul


Graphics: 74%
Writing: 74%
Replay/Extras: 68%
Story: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 79%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Dynamite
Author: Montclare, Ronda
Rating: ‘AA' for All Ages

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