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EA Sports Madden NFL 24





EA Sports Madden NFL 24 


I wrapped up my time with EA Sports Madden NFL 24 recently. Noah and I had a fun little live stream of this game. I have enjoyed additional time beyond that with EA Sports Madden NFL 24 as well. Presentation is better in EA Sports Madden NFL 24 from last year. We can play in Ultimate Team, Franchise, Online Play, Superstar, and Training Camp. There are mini games within EA Sports Madden NFL 24.

I noticed the passing is interesting in EA Sports Madden NFL 24. We see a circle around the receiver we are throwing to. So we can place the ball right where we want to. Timing in the passing game is very key and critical in EA Sports Madden NFL 24. Tackles can be broken when we are running by pressing the right button at the right time. It will slow you down though so you might want to sprint right afterward. I love being able to swap the view when on defense and rushing the quarterback. I had issues getting to the quarterback a lot though.

I noticed a few glitches with EA Sports Madden NFL 24 here and there. For example the quarterback of the other team froze one time and waited to get sacked. Another time the game had zero sound in it even though the sound was turned on. A reboot fixed that second problem. A player walked right through the camera one time and that was a bit odd. A few players glitched through this or that from time to time in EA Sports Madden NFL 24 as well.

I know the NFL can be a controversial and divisive issue for a great many people. If you love football then you have one opinion. If you are tired of the hatred, rebellion against God, attacks on morals, and more then you are staunchly against the NFL. I am reviewing this product like I would any product. I had fun playing EA Sports Madden NFL 24. I played the first week of the season right after it happened in the real world. The predictions by this game were really off. Like the Steelers beating the 49ers.

The halftime report was interesting in EA Sports Madden NFL 24. We are taken around the league to see some scores from other games. At least what this game thought would happen. EA Sports Madden NFL 24 looks nice and has great commentary. The highly offensive and divisive music can be turned off. I like being able to pick a play by the player.
- Paul


Graphics: 90%
Sound: 77%
Replay/Extras: 93%
Gameplay: 85%
Family Friendly Factor: 79%

System: PC/PS4/PS5/Xbox One/Xbox Series X
Publisher: EA Sports
Developer: EA Tiburon
Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY {Mild Lyrics}

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