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Fairy Tail #5





Fairy Tail #5 


Things are really moving and grooving in Fairy Tail #5. There will be spoilers in this review. Erza catches up with Lucy and Gray. Erza plans on taking them back once she gets her hands on Natsu. Gray talks Erza into helping out with the major problems happening on this island. Natsu decides to tilt the entire tower. That way the moonlight cannot hit the ice that giant demon Deliora is encased in. We also learn more about that ice in Fairy Tail #5.

Ur used a special spell that converts the wizards own life into a magic ice shell that encases an enemy. So the ice that is around that giant demon is actually Ur. Lyon knew that and does not care. Natsu is going after some mysterious wizard in Fairy Tail #5 too. The fight between Gray and Lyon is starting to get bloody in Fairy Tail #5. Lucy beats the female wizard in Fairy Tail #5 is some interesting ways. Nothing like making both of them dizzy. Lucy does prevail in Fairy Tail #5. She almost got hurt bad herself except that is when Erza showed up.

The issues families can have with Fairy Tail #5 are magic, violence, lack of attire, enticement to lust, blood, bad language and more. Fairy Tail #5 does include some humor. Fairy Tail #5 includes chapters thirty-one through chapter thirty-nine. I remember a lot of Fairy Tail #5 from the anime. I hope to eventually catch up the manga with the anime at some future date. It might be a few years since I keep watching the anime.

Fairy Tail #5 shows some real depth and growth for Erza in my humble opinion. She respects strength in others. Gray leaves to save the people of that island. He does not care about the quest being only for S-class wizards. Gray has something to do and he is going to do it. I think Erza respects that even if she actually disagrees with it. The rules are not always meant to be followed one hundred percent is the lesson in Fairy Tail #5. Natsu relishes in causing mayhem in Fairy Tail #5.

The battles do not conclude in Fairy Tail #5. Natsu wants to take out Lyon and so does Gray. The two of them scuffle over it a bit until Natsu is distracted by another wizard in Fairy Tail #5. I can tell there will be some more fighting in the next manga book of Fairy Tail. Hopefully Lucy is all rested up in Fairy Tail #5 and ready to go in the next issue. I am also curious to see how Erza does in the next issue. The other issue is what will happen once this job is complete? What kind of punishment will Natsu, Lucy and Gray face?

I am not sure why the Japanese are so obsessed with barely dressed women in Fairy Tail #5. I have made that same comment about the anime as well.
- Paul


Graphics: 58%
Writing: 66%
Replay/Extras: 75%
Story: 65%
Family Friendly Factor: 57%

System: Manga
Publisher: Kodansha Comic
Author: Hiro Mashima
Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY

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