Fairy Tail #6
Fairy Tail #6 wraps up one storyline and brings us immediately into
the next one. There will be spoilers in this review of the manga Fairy
Tail #6 book. The demon is released from the ice shell prison only to
immediately die. There was all of this fighting over how horrible it
would be to revive the demon only to find out it was already dead. The
bad guys went to quite a bit of effort for really no reason.
The issues families will have with Fairy Tail #6 are violence, magic,
blood, lack of attire, enticement to lust, demons, and more. We also
learned that the villagers of the island are actually demons themselves.
They forgot it thanks to the Moon Drip. That was a really weird moment
within Fairy Tail #6. The S-class quest is done even though they were
not S-class wizards. Lucy got a key otherwise they were not given their
reward for completing the quest. I find that really lame.
Fairy Tail #6 contains chapters forty through forty-eight. There is a
sneak peak of the next book at the end of Fairy Tail #6. There are also
other pages devoted to different characters. The creator of Fairy Tail
#6 has a page talking about this manga book as well. He is really
gearing up for something interesting in the next book. It is a guild
versus a guild battle. The fighting starts at the end of Fairy Tail #6.
I remember from the anime that it will go on for a little bit.
Phantom Lord attacks Fairy Tail multiple times in Fairy Tail #6. Makarov
turns the other cheek at first, but eventually as the attacks mount he
can not turn a blind eye to it. Too many people are being hurt and he
cannot stand for it in Fairy Tail #6. There is a rule that guilds are
not supposed to attack one another in this fantasy world. That goes out
the window. I do not recall the punishment for these two guilds
fighting. I saw it in the anime some years back.
There is some content in Fairy Tail #6 that some people may find
offensive. When the Fairy Tail wizards get back from the S-class quest
they were not allowed to do they face punishment. Lucy is the only one
in Fairy Tail #6 that seems to actually get punished. She gets spanked
multiple times. Makarov is drinking at the time so that may have
something to do with him acting that way. Another female character
objects to these spankings in Fairy Tail #6. The art continues to be
good in Fairy Tail #6. I just wish Hiro Mashima would stop recycling the
same artwork for different manga franchises. It gets a bit confusing for
- Paul
Graphics: 59%
Writing: 67%
Replay/Extras: 75%
Story: 66%
Family Friendly Factor: 58%
System: Manga
Publisher: Kodansha Comic
Author: Hiro Mashima
Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY
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