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Garfield #1 


Garfield #1 is another one of the comic books that Noah found in his room when he was cleaning. I found myself extremely excited to read this comic book. From research I performed for this review it looks like the kids comics are no longer being done by this company. I would not suggest seeking out their website. In fact the website listed in Garfield #1 redirects to a slightly different name.

There will be spoilers in this review of the Garfield #1 comic book. There are two stories within Garfield #1. The first one is called Collectors Classic. The first story is twelve pages long in Garfield #1. The second story in Garfield #1 is Big Mouse Meal. That story is ten pages long. There are a couple of advertisement pages after that in Garfield #1. The credits can be found on the back of the front cover of this comic book.

The first story Collectors Classic in Garfield #1 is kind of an interesting idea. Nermal gets thrown out a window and into a trash can. Nermal finds an original issue of a comic book that is worth a lot of money. So Jon, Oddie, Garfield and Nermal go on a quest to find out if it is worth anything. They find out it is worth a lot of money. The comic book accidently flies out the window and gets run over by a truck.

There is some humor within Garfield #1. Poor Garfield just wants to eat in the first and second stories in Garfield #1. There are constant interruptions for Garfield in this comic book. Oddie wants to give the comic book back to the old lady in Garfield #1. The rest are not very keen on that idea. I had a couple of laugh out loud moments while reading Garfield #1.

The second story Big Mouse Meal in Garfield #1 is an interesting one to me. A mouse is hanging out with Garfield when another mouse cannot believe a cat does not want to eat a mouse. This other mouse does everything it can to get into Garfield's food. It wants Garfield to eat it to prove a point. Two other cats catch it and Garfield saves the mouse from being eaten. Then that mouse believes Garfield will not eat mice.
- Paul


Graphics: 90%
Writing: 90%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Story: 90%
Family Friendly Factor: 90%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Kaboom Studios
Author: Davis, Evanier, Barker
Rating: ‘NR’ for Not Rated

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