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Good Burger 2





Good Burger 2 


I never heard of the Good Burger movie. I thought Good Burger 2 might be something interesting to view, and review. There are good, bad, and ugly moments within Good Burger 2. There will be spoilers in this review of the Good Burger 2 movie. It took me ninety minutes to watch Good Burger 2 from beginning to end. There are different kinds of comedy used within Good Burger 2. I am not familiar with this franchise at all. I need to make that clear.

The premise of Good Burger 2 is Dexter Reed has hit rock bottom. He had an idea for a product called Burn No More. He showed it off to people and used his own house. He put fireworks in his house. He then had a guy with a flamethrower light it up. Can you guess what happened to Dexter's house in Good Burger 2? It caught fire and the fireworks went everywhere. He loses his business, investors, and must find someone to go live with.

Dexter decides to look up his old friend Ed. Ed now owns the Good Burger restaurant. There is this mega corporation that keeps trying to buy the Good Burger restaurant from Ed. He is not interested. Dexter convinces Ed to sell. Neither of them bother to read the contract. They get fired, and lose the business to the sister of the rival from the last movie. Her plan is to automate fast food.

Ed and Dexter work together with some of their employees to infiltrate this mega corporation and put a monkey in their roll out plans. There are some real cringe moments in Good Burger 2 when they try too hard to be funny. There are other parts of Good Burger 2 that are genuinely laugh out loud hilarious. I love some of the cameos like Rob Gronkowski. There are plenty of chuckles in Good Burger 2 as well.

Dexter eventually sets things right with his friends and family. His never melt ice idea is actually created and a success at the end of Good Burger 2. There are plenty of cool bonus and special features in Good Burger 2. The one issue I had with Good Burger 2 is some of the bad language. It was not needed and really detracts from an otherwise good, and clean movie that can be fun for the whole family.
- Paul


Graphics: 80%
Sound: 66%
Replay/Extras: 85%
Gameplay: 80%
Family Friendly Factor: 75%

System: DVD
Publisher: Paramount Pictures
Developer: Nickelodeon
Rating: 'NR' for Not Rated

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