Hercules #1
There was a bit of confusion at our local comic book store over
Hercules #1. It was listed and on the cover it looks like it was under
Disney Hercules #1. However it is actually called Hercules #1. It was so
confusing and I wish Dynamite had been a bit more clear on that
personally. We got through it and I was able to purchase a copy of
Hercules #1 for $4.99. There are twenty-two pages of comic book content
within Hercules #1.
They must really love this franchise over at Dynamite because it is the
second one they have done. After the comic book content there is a page
devoted to the next issue, other Disney comic advertisements, and a
cover gallery. The credits can be found on the back of the front cover
of the Hercules #1 comic book. There will be spoilers in my review of
the Hercules #1 comic book.
The issues families can have with Hercules #1 are false gods, violence,
lack of attire, enticement to lust, and more. Hercules goes around
stopping all these monsters and saving humans. The false gods want him
to come up to Olympus with him. Hercules chose to be mortal thanks to
the love of a woman. Hercules #1 tells us this hero is on a mission to
stop all these monsters.
Aphrodite sends Hercules on a mission in this comic book. An artist
requested that his statue be brought to life. It was. Then the poor
artist was injured and the statue that is now alive left through the
wall. Hercules and the woman he is with go on a quest to find and stop
this monster. What they find in Hercules #1 is pretty odd. The statue
wants to love and hug people but does not realize its own strength.
At the end of Hercules #1 we see the hero reporting back to Aphrodite.
He is reporting that he will not vanquish this monster since it is a
woman who needs to learn her own strength. There is one problem at the
end of Hercules #1. Eros tells Hercules that Aphrodite was kidnapped.
That is the cliffhanger Hercules #1 leaves us with. There is also some
peril Hercules is in in the first page of the Hercules #1 comic book. We
then flash back a week.
- Paul
Graphics: 60%
Writing: 60%
Replay/Extras: 60%
Story: 65%
Family Friendly Factor: 56%
System: Comic Book
Publisher: Dynamite
Author: Kalan, Kambadais
Rating: ‘T' for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY
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