Hercules #2
I just finished reading the Hercules #2 comic book. There are
twenty-two pages of comic book content within Hercules #2. After that is
a page devoted to the next issue. From there Hercules #2 gives us some
advertisements of the other Disney comic books from Dynamite. We are
then given two pages of the cover gallery. Hercules #2 cost me $4.99. So
the price is a bit high for the amount of comic book content. There will
be spoilers in my review of Hercules #2.
The issues families can have with Hercules #2 are violence, false gods,
lack of attire, enticement to lust and more. The last two are actually
scaled down from the previous issue. The quest in Hercules #2 winds up
going on another side trip. We meet Hephaestus in Hercules #2. He and
Aphrodite made a wager about who could make the better life form.
Hercules must stop the one that Hephaestus made in Hercules #2.
Galatea and Phil accompany Hercules this time. There is a running gag in
Hercules #2 about Galatea breaking things. Phil is the one that winds up
stopping the giant robot named Talos. The way Talos talks in Hercules #2
is really strange. Talos has a thesis, anti-thesis, and synthesis. Talos
decides mortals must be destroyed because the false gods do not like
them. Talos also thinks it is a false god.
The end of Hercules #2 gives us a little glimpse at who is behind this
whole kidnapping plot. I am not sure who that is supposed to be. I
suspect it might be Hades, but I think I could also be wrong about that.
Aphrodite and Hephaestus are both captured by this individual. We see
this on the final page of the Hercules #2 comic book. Phil thinks things
are going to get worse before they get better.
The first page of Hercules #2 is a lot like the first page of the first
issue. What do I mean by that? The first page in Hercules #2 is current
present day. There are major issues and problems that Hercules are
facing. Then we go back in time for the rest of the Hercules #2 comic
book. The exact same format was used in the first issue. I wonder if all
but the last one will continue this trend. I guess I will need to keep
reading to find out.
- Paul
Graphics: 62%
Writing: 60%
Replay/Extras: 60%
Story: 68%
Family Friendly Factor: 59%
System: Comic Book
Publisher: Dynamite
Author: Kalan, Kambadais
Rating: ‘T' for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY
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