Iron Man #672
Iron Man #672 is the legacy numbering system for this series. Iron
Man #672 also has Iron Man #2 on it. This series started in 2024. Iron
Man #672 is the second part of The Stark-Roxxon War. Iron Man #672 cost
me $3.99. Advertisements can be found all throughout the Iron Man #672
comic book. There are twenty pages of comic book content within Iron Man
#672. There is a page devoted to John Cassaday in Iron Man #672 as well.
Pages four and five in Iron Man #672 are the recap and credits pages.
There is a page in Iron Man #672 for the next issue of this comic book
series. There will be spoilers in my review of the Iron Man #672 comic
book. The issues families can have with Iron Man #672 are magic, blood,
violence, lack of attire, enticement to lust, gore, bad language and
more. I will openly admit I am not that big on this series. I just want
to get through this storyline.
Iron Man #672 hops around different locations with different things
going on. Tony Stark goes to different board members to annoy and
irritate them. Tony Stark is trying to get them to vote against the
company buyout. Tony makes a case in Iron Man #672 that selling to these
organizations is a really bad idea. Tony also believes these companies
will not be able to cover the debt which is bad for shareholders.
I was a bit dismayed that Tony was so rude and hateful to the woman who
was on it his side, and promises to continue to do so. Tony also goes
and visits the enemy (so to speak) in Iron Man #672. They have a fight,
a cordial lunch, and then more fighting. Tony leaves there once he is
free of the magical mind control attack that was on him in Iron Man
#672. He needs to get to the board before the vote.
Tony looks, feels, and acts very desperate in Iron Man #672. I do not
comprehend all of this personally. Why not take the money and then make
an all new company? That is what I would do. I have had offers for
Family Friendly Gaming in the past. I have a set sell price. If someone
meets it I will happily sell to them, and then after a short vacation
come up with a new company doing something similar.
- Paul
Graphics: 65%
Writing: 72%
Replay/Extras: 65%
Story: 75%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%
System: Comic Book
Publisher: Marvel
Author: Ackerman, Onta, Sinclair
Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY
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