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Looney Tunes #278





Looney Tunes #278 


I noticed something about Looney Tunes #278. Maybe it has always been this way with Looney Tunes and it did not resonate with me until Looney Tunes #278. Maybe I had this one special thought about Looney Tunes before. Or maybe it eluded me until just recently. Looney Tunes #278 cost me $2.99. there are sixteen pages of comic book content within Looney Tunes #278. Advertisements can be found throughout the Looney Tunes #278 comic book. Looney Tunes #278 also contains a seven page advertisement preview of Shazam Thundercrack.

There will be spoilers in my review of the Looney Tunes #278 comic book. The first story in Looney Tunes #278 is called Thurvival of the th' Fit Test. This story is eight pages long. This story within Looney Tunes #278 is all about Sylvester and Tweety. Both animals are taken to the doctor for a check up. Tweety messes up Sylvester's testing so it looks really bad for him. That means Sylvester is put on an exercise program.

While Sylvester is on this exercise program in Looney Tunes #278 Tweety continues to mistreat him. Tweety even lies and has dogs attack Sylvester. Why do dogs care for or about birds? Our dog chases birds and would eat one if she catches one. The thing I noticed about Looney Tunes #278 is how horrible Tweety is to Sylvester. Tweety bird initiates the pain and suffering. Not much of a good character in my book.

The second story within Looney Tunes #278 is Mixed Signals. This is a Road Runner and Coyote story. The second story in Looney Tunes #278 is also eight pages long. The coyote gets all these stop signals that make characters stop. There is some humor here with the different signs in Looney Tunes #278. Coyote winds up getting all messed up after stealing the cops car. Of course a sign told him to steal it.

The preview in Looney Tunes #278 is like a lot of these previews. I have zero interest in it. I will not be purchasing it. I could barely read the preview in Looney Tunes #278. Honestly it bored me to tears from the onset. There is some mild cartoon violence in Looney Tunes #278. I do not feel like Looney Tunes #278 encourages obedience to authority. In fact Looney Tunes #278 encourages rebellion.
- Paul


Graphics: 79%
Writing: 81%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Story: 79%
Family Friendly Factor: 79%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: DC Comics
Author: Cohen, Alvarez
Rating: ‘8+’ for Eight and OLDER ONLY

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