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Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars Battleworld #2





Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars Battleworld #2 


Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars Battleworld #2 is the second issue in this four part mini series that has certainly caught my interest. I am still not sure who is behind the events of this comic book series. It seems they are very interesting in Spider-Man though. The first page is a recap and credits page. It also lets us know that each team will have five characters on it.

There will be spoilers in this review of the Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars Battleworld #2 comic book. Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars Battleworld #2 cost me $3.99. There are twenty pages of comic book content within the Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars Battleworld #2 comic book. Advertisements can be found all throughout the Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars Battleworld #2 comic book.

The villains find an alien structure and decide to hang out and relax. They do not want to fight unless there is something in it for them. They are thrown up into space and told all of the people will be killed if they do not fight the heroes. So the villains decide to attack. All five of them. There are also five heroes within Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars Battleworld #2 too.

The issues families can have with Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars Battleworld #2 are violence, lack of attire, reference to false gods, and more. The Bullpen Bulletins page is about Stefano Caselli. I have read that page in other Marvel comic books in recent times. There is a page devoted to the next issue. I am still not clear on what these beings are expecting to learn from studying these characters.

The group of heroes within Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars Battleworld #2 are Spider-Man, Johnny Storm, Falcon, Daredevil, and Iceman. The group of super villains in Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars Battleworld #2 are Hobgoblin, Absorbing Man, Electro, Baron Helmut Zemo, and Constrictor.
- Paul


Graphics: 64%
Writing: 72%
Replay/Extras: 76%
Story: 73%
Family Friendly Factor: 65%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Marvel
Author: DeFalco, Olliffe, Kalisz
Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY

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