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Meg 2 The Trench





Meg 2 The Trench 


I picked the Meg 2 The Trench on DVD for one of our boys movie nights recently. Meg 2 The Trench was a huge disappointment. I know the first Meg movie was not that great but at least it was interesting, and somewhat scientific. Meg 2 The Trench does not even try to be even somewhat scientific and it really hurts the movie. There will be spoilers in my review of the Meg 2 The Trench movie.

I noticed something recently. There has been this push to have more Chinese run movies with many more Chinese characters. We are given a few token American characters. The thing is I am also noticing these movies are sloppy, lazy, and generally much worse. Meg 2 The Trench also contains plenty of virtue signally from radicals on the far left. None of which endears itself to a super majority of Americans.

The issues families can have with Meg 2 The Trench are violence, blood, bad language, lack of attire, enticement to lust, and more. Jason Statham plays Jonas Taylor. He is an ecological terrorists that attacks people on ships that are dumping waste in the middle of the ocean. Of course this is such a major problem that Hollywood has to get us to focus some attention on it. Yes that is dripping with sarcasm.

Jonas is invited on a dive with his brother in law Jiuming Zhang (played by Wi Jing). The daughter of Jonas sneaks onto the sub to be part of the dive down to the bottom of the Mariana Trench. Jiuming developed some exosuit that will help them withstand the pressure supposedly. At one point Jonas swims with no suit from one airlock to another. Never mind the depth and pressure that would crush him instantly. Oh and those exosuits would not stop you from getting crushed either.

There is a female Meg in captivity that somehow just escapes and gets down below this freezing cold layer. The female Meg finds two males and mates. The humans find a mining operation. Meg 2 The Trench makes a big deal that it is an illegal mining operation. Who holds rights to that part of the ocean? How can that even be illegal? Logic and science are completely lost in Meg 2 The Trench.

The explosion on the bottom way below the layer breaks up that cold layer (thermocline) and lets the Megs free. So three Megs attack a lot of people at a Chinese resort. A few Americans are shown to be pigs. A giant octopus and some small dinosaurs also all come to the same location. The eco terrorists save the day and kill the giant octopus and two of the Megs. The third one that is most likely pregnant leaves to chase some dolphins.
- Paul


Video: 50%
Audio: 55%
Replay/Extras: 60%
Functionality: 50%
Family Friendly Factor: 55%

System: DVD
Publisher: Warner Bros Pictures
Developer: CMC Pictures
Rating: ‘PG-13’ - Parents Strongly Cautioned {Action/Violence, Some Blood Images, Language and Brief Suggestive Material}

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