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Multiversus Collision Detected #1





Multiversus Collision Detected #1 


I know of and I know about the Multiversus video game. I even played that video game with Peter on a live stream I believe it was. I went back and double checked and yes Peter and I played the video game. I recently saw Multiversus Collision Detected #1 at our local comic book store. Since Multiversus Collision Detected #1 connects to a video game it certainly caught my eye. I purchased it.

Multiversus Collision Detected #1 cost me $4.99. There are twenty-two pages of comic book content within Multiversus Collision Detected #1. There are also going to be more issues after Multiversus Collision Detected #1. There will be spoilers in my review of the Multiversus Collision Detected #1 comic book. This comic book starts with some kids playing the video game.

There is a discussion about why Superman and Batman would fight. Multiversus Collision Detected #1 shows us Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman. The three are getting these weird glyphs from their dreams. Superman destroys a TV and uses his heat vision to draw one on a wall in Multiversus Collision Detected #1. Batman and Wonder Woman also see these symbols in Multiversus Collision Detected #1.

The three heroes then get images in their brains while awake in Multiversus Collision Detected #1. They wind up near a home with Apocalypse technology in Multiversus Collision Detected #1. The heroes find a young girl and hear her talking to someone. They must break their way into the house and run into Bugs Bunny. That is how Multiversus Collision Detected #1 ends.

There is some mild violent content in Multiversus Collision Detected #1. I am surprised at how tame Multiversus Collision Detected #1 is for the rating. I do not know if it will get worse or not. The art is a little strange in Multiversus Collision Detected #1 at times. There is also some enticement to lust, and lack of attire within Multiversus Collision Detected #1.
- Paul


Graphics: 65%
Writing: 75%
Replay/Extras: 66%
Story: 75%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: DC Comics
Author: Miller, Sommariva, Herms
Rating: ‘13+’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY

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