My Little Pony The Storm of Zephyr Heights #3
My Little Pony The Storm of Zephyr Heights #3 cost me $6.99. My
Little Pony The Storm of Zephyr Heights #3 contains forty pages of comic
book content. My Little Pony The Storm of Zephyr Heights #3 wraps up the
storyline and the series. I am curious why the second and third issues
of this series were double the normal comic book length. This series
could have gone to five issues. At least I am done with My Little Pony
The Storm of Zephyr Heights #3 now.
There will be spoilers in my review of the My Little Pony The Storm of
Zephyr Heights #3 comic book. I am still not a fan of the artwork in
this series. My Little Pony The Storm of Zephyr Heights #3 is like the
last one and there is just something wrong with the artwork. It is not
crisp and clean. In fact the artwork looks really bad to me. I do not
mean to insult the artist, but this style looks amateurish at times.
My Little Pony The Storm of Zephyr Heights #3 has three of the ponies up
in the cloud city trying to get to that machine. Those animals they woke
up are angry and coming after them. The trio decide to split up in My
Little Pony The Storm of Zephyr Heights #3. The idea is hopefully one of
them can make it. One of them makes it and finds a lightning bird on the
machine. So she carefully takes the bird and chicks off the machine and
puts them somewhere safe.
The machine gets turned off in My Little Pony The Storm of Zephyr
Heights #3. All is saved and we are done right? Well not quite. See the
storm is still out there. Stopping it from getting worse does not end
what is already out there. Then we learn that the Pegasus Ponies can
break up clouds with their magic. Zipp goes out there to break up the
clouds in My Little Pony The Storm of Zephyr Heights #3.
Why would Zipp even care about the clouds? Let the storm pass and things
will be fine right? Well here is the issue - the ponies on the ground
got into the airship and are in the middle of the storm. They are saved
thanks to three flying ponies in My Little Pony The Storm of Zephyr
Heights #3. Zipp winds up in the hospital in My Little Pony The Storm of
Zephyr Heights #3. Zipp wakes up to find her mother there. The city has
been moved and anchored. There is a lot to learn still.
- Paul
Graphics: 70%
Writing: 80%
Replay/Extras: 85%
Story: 85%
Family Friendly Factor: 80%
System: Comic Book
Publisher: IDW Publishing
Author: Whitlet, Price, Sherron, Breckel
Rating: ‘NR’ for Not Rated
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