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Science of the Bible





Science of the Bible 


There are going to be all kinds of spoilers in my review of the Science of the Bible DVD. I was pretty excited to find this DVD at McKay’s in our 2024 trip for $2.95. After watching this show I understand why the price was so low. The name of this DVD is highly misleading. There are some scientific portions within Science of the Bible. Too much of this show is presenting wild theories as if they are fact. I had to listen very carefully to hear words like: “maybe, could be, might have been, possibly, and more.” There are plenty of “experts” that give their opinion on something no matter how outlandish.

A big issue with Science of the Bible is it takes some from the Bible and then ignores other parts. How the cross was constructed makes some sense, but we do not know for certain. Then parts of the Holy Bible are attacked based on how one word may be translated differently. Was that even the original language it was in? Are we debating a translation of a translation? Maybe there was not a specific word in that language, or a way to express it as we would in our day and age. The Holy Spirit is largely ignored in Science of the Bible as well.

The same logic is not even applied throughout Science of the Bible. For example the “experts” give their opinions on when the New Testament books were written. It was forty or seventy years later so it may not be accurate. But then heresy documents written one hundred and fifty years later should be believed. Why did the logic reverse based on the content? The same goes the skepticism in Science of the Bible. There are skeptics of what is in the Holy Bible in Science of the Bible. They are not as skeptical of anything that attacks the Holy Bible or the church. Why is their skepticism only one direction?

There are three discs in Science of the Bible. It takes five hundred and thirty-three minutes to watch all ten episodes on the DVDs that make up Science of the Bible. The episodes are around the fifty minute mark. The issues families can have with Science of the Bible are lack of attire, enticement to lust, nudity, violence, blood, and more. Demons are discussed and generally considered to be just mental illness. I find that extremely dangerous. Science of the Bible barely touches upon the spiritual. Science of the Bible makes it sound like Christianity morphs into the culture it is in.
- Paul


Video: 55%
Audio: 60%
Replay: 60%
Functionality: 50%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: DVD
Publisher: National Geographic Channel
Developer: Creative Differences
Rating: ‘NR’ for Not Rated

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