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Sonic Universe #43





Sonic Universe #43 


It has become apparent to me that I am not reading this series in the order of release. So be it. I am not always able to get to the older comic books that I got from Peter and Noah. When I am able to do this then I dive right into whatever is in the pile however it was originally ordered. I did not take the time to get these older comic books ordered properly or I confused the different series.

There will be spoilers in this review. Thankfully the first page within Sonic Universe #43 gives a very long recap to what is going on. There are also images of the main characters and their names on that same page in Sonic Universe #43. The credits are found on the last page of comic book content within this comic book. I had to hunt all around to find the people involved with making this comic book.

The issues families will have with Sonic Universe #43 are violence, magic and more. Advertisements can be found all throughout the Sonic Universe #43 comic book. There is also fan drawn art, and letters that were sent in near the end of Sonic Universe #43. Twenty pages of comic book content is what readers will find in Sonic Universe #43. When this comic book was released it cost $2.99. Thankfully we had the money for that back in the day.

There is a little bit of a prelude within Sonic Universe #43. We find out about The Forgotten Wars in that prelude. I guess they are not so forgotten then huh? One of the secret teams went missing and must be found in Sonic Universe #43. They are found and valuable intel is passed along. Silver the Hedgehog has a rather novel idea in Sonic Universe #43. He wants to straight up ask Geoffrey St. John for intel on King Naligus.

Can you guess what happens when Silver the Hedgehog asks Geoffrey St. John for the information in Sonic Universe #43? Silver is given the information freely. Silver read the room perfectly in Sonic Universe #43. The other characters in Sonic Universe #43 were pretty skeptical. That really makes Silver the Hedgehog look good in my personal and professional opinion. What do you think?
- Paul


Graphics: 72%
Writing: 79%
Replay/Extras: 75%
Story: 76%
Family Friendly Factor: 76%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Archie Comics
Author: Flynn, Yardley, Amash, Morelli, Downer
Rating: ‘NR’ for Not Rated

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