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Sonic Universe #60





Sonic Universe #60 


Sonic Universe #60 is another comic book from the boys that was sitting in my pile awaiting my attention. Sonic Universe #60 is part two of the Shadow Fall storyline. There are four parts to that storyline. Sonic Universe #60 cost us $2.99 when we purchased it back in the day. I am really getting into these Archie Comics Sonic comic books. Sonic Universe #60 contains twenty pages of comic book content.

Advertisements can be found all throughout the Sonic Universe #60 comic book. There is a page of fan art in Sonic Universe #60. There are also some letters on another page in Sonic Universe #60. We are also treated to a page devoted to the issue right after this one. The recap is on the front cover, and it also contains images of the main characters. The credits for Sonic Universe #60 can be found in the middle of the first page.

There will be spoilers in my review of the Sonic Universe #60 comic book. Team Dark is on their mission to stop the Black Doom. Most of Team Dark was caught in a trap where gas is being leaked into the room. Shadow comes face to face with Eclipse in Sonic Universe #60. Eclipse is trying to turn Shadow in Sonic Universe #60. Eclipse fails, but his boss is able to turn Shadow to the dark side in this comic book.

The humans with Team Dark have a nuke to destroy this asteroid that the bad guys are in. They are just trying to get to the center of the asteroid. They escape the gas room since they have ways to breath without the atmosphere right around them. They find there way for a bit until they run into Shadow and Eclipse. You can probably expect they are a bit shocked to see Shadow has switched sides.

For me Shadow swapped sides a bit too easily in Sonic Universe #60. Shadow resists are first and then the second mind attack immediately and easily gets him to swap sides. I almost expect Shadow is pretending. But I could be wrong. Hopefully we have more comic books in this series so I can see what wound up happening in that storyline. Sonic Universe #60 has some violent content within it.
- Paul


Graphics: 73%
Writing: 77%
Replay/Extras: 77%
Story: 75%
Family Friendly Factor: 74%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Archie Comics
Author: Flynn, Peppers, Amash, Herms, Morelli
Rating: ‘NR’ for Not Rated

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