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The Amazing Spider-Man #42





The Amazing Spider-Man #42 


I am extremely appreciative and thankful for everyone who provides donations, advertisements and sponsorships so I was able to purchase a copy of the The Amazing Spider-Man #42 comic book. This thirteen and older rated comic book cost $4.99. I purchased the variant cover with Sabretooth and Wolverine in an older Green Goblin and Spider-Man pose. There are nineteen pages of comic book content within The Amazing Spider-Man #42.

There will be spoilers in this review of the The Amazing Spider-Man #42 comic book. There is a Gang War Territories page in The Amazing Spider-Man #42. The recap and credits is one two pages within The Amazing Spider-Man #42. The Bullpen Bulletins page is on Alessandro Cappuccio. I have read that in another comic book from Marvel. Advertisements can be found all throughout the The Amazing Spider-Man #42 comic book.

The issues families can have with The Amazing Spider-Man #42 are violence, blood, magic, and more. There is one letters page in The Amazing Spider-Man #42 devoted to the web heads. We learn what Fisk meant at the end of the last issue in The Amazing Spider-Man #42. Fisk is actually there to take his son away from this city and this war. Fisk wanted to fight Tombstone to get out some of his stress.

Beetle captured Harlem in The Amazing Spider-Man #42. One of the Rose Fisk guys was left behind. He winds up joining with Beetle in The Amazing Spider-Man #42. Madame Masque and Beetle have an interesting conversation in The Amazing Spider-Man #42. They are both shunned by their fathers and decide to take over and take control. Neither of them will back down in The Amazing Spider-Man #42.

The Amazing Spider-Man #42 ends with a battle coming up between Beetle and Madame Masque. Spider-Man and She Hulk decide they need to recruit heroes to make sure they stop these villains. Tombstone realizes he has not really helped his daughter. There is quite the nasty aftermath that will be coming soon. I can see this storyline is about ready wrap up. There is a Gang War checklist in The Amazing Spider-Man #42.
- Paul


Graphics: 63%
Writing: 72%
Replay/Extras: 60%
Story: 72%
Family Friendly Factor: 66%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Marvel
Author: Wells, Romita Jr, Menyz
Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY

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