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The Amazing Spider-Man #55





The Amazing Spider-Man #55 


The Amazing Spider-Man #55 is a breath of fresh air on multiple fronts. This comic book cost me $4.99. There are twenty one pages of comic book content in The Amazing Spider-Man #55. There are also two letter pages in The Amazing Spider-Man #55. I was able to procure a Disney Variant cover of The Amazing Spider-Man #55. It is What If Donald & Daisy had Mutant Powers?

There will be spoilers in my review of the The Amazing Spider-Man #55 comic book. The Amazing Spider-Man #55 takes some time to relax. Peter is trying to make it work with Shay in The Amazing Spider-Man #55. They are on their third date and of course something comes up. Peter Parker goes out to the super villains and asks them nicely to not cause any trouble. They oblige him. Peter then goes back to Shay at the restaurant.

I found it really interesting how Shay talked about all of the extra work she did to be there in time for the date. She went to a lot of effort for Peter Parker in The Amazing Spider-Man #55. Peter is not ready to share his secret identity with Shay in The Amazing Spider-Man #55. Shay wants to know why Peter has a black eye in The Amazing Spider-Man #55. He tells her that he can't tell her.

Shay actually accepts that answer in The Amazing Spider-Man #55. I personally found it a bit strange. But if he is not ready to talk about something then it is nice Shay is giving him the space. She hopes he will be able to share with him in the future. The thing is Shay will be put in all kinds of danger once she knows what is going on. Advertisements can be found all throughout the The Amazing Spider-Man #55 comic book.

I enjoyed the first page in The Amazing Spider-Man #55 because it is where the recap and credits are. That can really help new readers understand what has been happening and what is going to be going on very soon. I wonder if Peter has ever thought about semi retiring. Spending time on family and not on constantly stopping some villains. Someone else has to be able to pick up the slack right?
- Paul


Graphics: 68%
Writing: 73%
Replay/Extras: 61%
Story: 72%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Marvel
Author: Wells, Laiso, Valenza, Caramagna
Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY

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