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The Expanse Season Five





The Expanse Season Five 


I looked everywhere for a physical copy of The Expanse Season Five and could not find a legitimate one. So I had to watch this show on Amazon Prime instead of actually using a physical copy. That is a major downer, and really lame Amazon. There will be spoilers in this review. Ten episodes make up The Expanse Season Five. They are in the forty minute to one hour range. It is a really strange season that loses a lot of the direction from the past seasons.

The Ring and other planets are barely touched upon in The Expanse Season Five. Marco works with the Martians to get a lot of their ships for the belt. Marco calls them the free navy. Marco steals the proto molecule from Fred Johnson and gives it to the Martians. They are using it on another planet to turn things on. Alex dies in The Expanse Season Five. I did some research and found the actor was accused of misconduct and so he was not allowed to work again while there was an investigation. I am so sick and tired of these haters trying to destroy someone.

The issues families will have with The Expanse Season Five are bad language, violence, blood, nudity, sexual deviancy, and more. Noami goes to great lengths to get back to her crew in The Expanse Season Five. She is thought dead in The Expanse Season Five at one point. Amos frees a prisoner and gets her off planet in The Expanse Season Five. We learn a bit more about Amos in The Expanse Season Five as well. Like his real name is Timmy. Baltimore sounds horrible in The Expanse Season Five.

There are some interesting space battles and allegiances decided in The Expanse Season Five. Marco is trying to unify the factions with threats in The Expanse Season Five. I do not expect that fear will hold them together for long in the next season. Drummer already broke ranks and saved Holden. Major characters die off in The Expanse Season Five. Earth is attacked with meteorites in The Expanse Season Five. Some stealth technology is put on the rocks before they are hurled at the planet.

Civilization breaks down on Earth after the meteorites hit the planet. Chrisjen Avasarala starts The Expanse Season Five in a lowly position and winds up rising back to power. The funny thing is she does not even seek it. She works with Bobbie to unearth another great conspiracy. The one that involved Marco and Mars working together to attack Earth. Tribes are a big theme in this show.
- Paul


Graphics: 40%
Sound: 40%
Replay: 60%
Story: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 50%

System: Amazon Prime
Publisher: Amazon
Developer: Amazon Studios
Rating: ‘16+’ for SIXTEEN and OLDER ONLY {violence, alcohol, foul language}

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