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The Flash #665





The Flash #665 


The legacy number for this comic book is The Flash #665. This is part of the DC Universe Rebirth. In the reboot The Flash #665 shows as Flash #4. This comic book initially sold for $2.99. I was able to pick it up with a backing board and a bag for $1.25. At the end of reading The Flash #665 I found myself much more interested in this comic book series. There is one small problem though. I believe this is the last issue I have in this series at this point in time.

There will be spoilers in my review of the The Flash #665 comic book. The issues families can have with The Flash #665 are violence, false gods, and more. There are twenty pages of comic book content in The Flash #665. Advertisements can be found all throughout this comic book. There is also a page answering the question - Why All-Star Batman? My answer would be for this company to make money. Maybe I am a bit cynical.

The concept of being able to steal the Speed Force is discussed in The Flash #665. If two speedsters are racing side by side the one that is winning the race will get the Speed Force from the other one. All these new speedsters do not have their cells permeated with the Speed Force like Barry does in The Flash #665. This concept is used on Dr. Carver when he tries to force the Speed Force to accept him. He turns into a horrible monster.

The heroes steal the Speed Force from Dr. Carver in The Flash #665. Three of them are able to handle the load of the extra power. The bad content is much lighter in The Flash #665 than other recent comic books I have read. This is a pretty good thing in my opinion. The heroes do not recognize the technology that Dr. Carver is using in The Flash #665. It is not from Star Labs though.

Meena and Barry have a kiss in The Flash #665. This comic book teaches that women need to make the first move on men. It is nice to see Barry in a relationship again. I am a bit surprised it is not with Iris. Speaking of Iris she gives Barry a story and twenty-four hours before she will publish it. That was nice of her. I hope to run across more of these DC Universe Rebirth comic books in the future.
- Paul


Graphics: 67%
Writing: 72%
Replay/Extras: 73%
Story: 73%
Family Friendly Factor: 66%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: DC Comics
Author: Williamson, Googe, Plascencia
Rating: ‘13+’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY

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