The Ultimates #6
I think this might be the last issue I read of this comic book
series. The Ultimates #6 cost me $4.99. There are twenty-two pages of
comic book content within The Ultimates #6. There is an intro page, a
credits page, and a cast page in The Ultimates #6. The advertisements
can be found all throughout The Ultimates #6 comic book. There is a page
devoted to the next issue in The Ultimates #6 as well.
There will be spoilers in my review of The Ultimates #6 comic book. The
issues families can have with The Ultimates #6 are violence, blood,
gore, lack of attire, enticement to lust, false gods, and more. The
heroes are at this facility to free all of these people that are going
to be executed tomorrow. Little do they know that this is actually a
trap. The Hulk is waiting for them in The Ultimates #6.
The Hulk offers them tea and I suppose is willing to have a
conversation. The heroes in The Ultimates #6 decide they will attack
instead. So the Hulk has others beef up and they all fight. Jan gets
swallowed by someone again and winds up growing larger and coming out of
their body. In essence Jan kills someone in The Ultimates #6. I think
she did this same thing in another issue.
The heroes in The Ultimates #6 are labeled as terrorists by the
government. the Hulk lets them know that their acts of terror are
driving people to him since they want safety and security. The Hulk lets
them know that they have been great soldiers for him in The Ultimates
#6. Heroes take some massive damage in The Ultimates #6. In fact at the
end of The Ultimates #6 Iron Lad is declared as dead.
Doom is the one that saves the day in The Ultimates #6. Doom is able to
find them, get a signal lock and teleport them back to their base with
twelve months to go. I have no idea how they will be able to take the
Hulk down in the future. If they run across him it looks like game over
every single time. The Ultimates #6 is pretty bloody. I was not
expecting that. I think She Hulk will heal but time will tell.
- Paul
Graphics: 57%
Writing: 60%
Replay/Extras: 53%
Story: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%
System: Comic Book
Publisher: Marvel
Author: Camp, Frigeri, Lee
Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY
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