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X-Men #10





X-Men #10 


The more I go through some of these older comic books the more I regret not starting Family Friendly Gaming earlier. I wish I had reviewed a plethora of comic books back in the day. At tht time I did not even consider that. I also wish I had kept all of my old comic books instead of throwing them away because I was tired of moving the boxes every time I moved. Hindsight is twenty-twenty isn't it? Maybe the next generation will listen to my wisdom.

X-Men #10 is another comic book that comes to us from one of the trips to Nashville, TN and the McKay's store. X-Men #10 initially sold for $1.25. I paid $1.75 for X-Men #10. The value went up a little bit since July 1992. That date is when X-Men #10 was released. Advertisements can be found all throughout the comic book. There is some violent content, lack of attire, enticement to lust, and more in X-Men #10.

There will be spoilers in my review of the X-Men #10 comic book. The main story in X-Men #10 is sixteen pages long. That story is called Where Happy little blue birds fly. The second story in X-Men #10 is seven pages long. That story is called Last Stand. The first story is about Longshot, Mojo and the X-Men. They are in a show called Wizard of X. Does that sound familiar to you? It is a copy of Wizard of Oz.

The X-Men are even going to have to fight one another in the next issue. At least that is how is looks in X-Men #10. The way characters were changed in X-Men #10 is really strange. For example Wolverine is cowardly in X-Men #10. Longshot is trying to get the X-Men to shake the programming and come back to their sense. Mojo is such a pain in X-Men #10. Dazzler is also presumed dead, but found later in X-Men #10.

The second story in X-Men #10 is about Maverick. I do not recall this character. He breaks into a facility and is trying to kill some doctor. I think Colossus stops him because he needs that doctor to help him with something. The two will most likely fight in the next issue. I have seen other comic books do these two different stories in one comic book before. I do not have the next issue at this time. I really like the art in X-Men #10.
- Paul


Graphics: 70%
Writing: 77%
Replay/Extras: 76%
Story: 76%
Family Friendly Factor: 68%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Marvel
Author: Lee, Lobdell, Williams, Wiacek, DeFalco
Rating: ‘NR’ for Not Rated

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