Aquaman #1
I did some research online and could not find the exact legacy
numbering of Aquaman #1. I prefer to go with the legacy numbering system
whenever possible. Aquaman #1 I am reviewing was released in 2025. Since
I am not clear I will go with what is on the front cover and hope this
does not cause issues if I buy any older Aquaman comic books that might
share the same number on them. Aquaman #1 cost me $3.99.
There are twenty-two pages of comic book content within Aquaman #1.
Advertisements can be found all throughout the Aquaman #1 comic book.
The DC Nation Spotlight in Aquaman #1 is on Aquaman. It actually
explains a few things that are in this comic book. I now know what
direction the creators behind this comic book series plan on going.
Aquaman #1 contains a four page preview of Challenge of the Unknown.
There will be spoilers in my review of the Aquaman #1 comic book.
Aquaman has the powers of his wife Mera. He can now manipulate water. I
am unclear if she has his powers or what is going on there. Arthur is
still learning how to use his powers in Aquaman #1. He saves a plane
from crashing, fights a monster and comes back to see Atlantis gone.
There is a magical pearl left though.
The issues families can have with Aquaman #1 are violence, blood, gore,
lack of attire, enticement to lust, false gods, and more. Aquaman goes
to the Justice League for help with the giant pearl. Zantana realizes
that really old magic is blocking it from being probed. She does find
the same signal from somewhere in the sea. Batman, Zantana and Aquaman
head there. A portal appears and Aquaman goes through it.
I am not clear what the Omega symbol means in Aquaman #1. I think that
might have something to do with Darkseid. I may be completely wrong
though. Aquaman #1 is interesting enough thus far that I will continue
to read the series. I also know the creators are going a different
direction, which might make Aquaman a bit more interesting to read. I
suppose time will tell on that.
- Paul
Graphics: 65%
Writing: 75%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Story: 75%
Family Friendly Factor: 65%
System: Comic Book
Publisher: DC Comics
Author: Adams, Timms, Lokus
Rating: ‘13+’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY
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