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Azrael #1





Azrael #1 


I am not clear where and when I got a copy of the Azrael #1 comic book. This comic book was originally released in February of 1995. It sold for $1.95 back in the day. I am guessing I paid a dollar for it at one of the local comic book stores. This one store has this bin with a lot of comic books for lower prices. I am not completely certain what I paid for this particular comic book. There are no stickers on it anywhere.

There are twenty-six pages of comic book content within Azrael #1. This comes from out of the Batman legend too. There are advertisements throughout the Azrael #1 comic book. There will be spoilers in my review of the Azrael #1 comic book. Jean Paul Valley is having issues with reality in Azrael #1. A guy attacks him and he thinks it is a Batman demon. He beats the guy up and then comes back to reality.

The issues families can have with Azrael #1 are violence, blood, theft, and more. Azrael should be real, but that is left up in the air in Azrael #1. He has trouble discerning reality from fantasy. There is a page in Azrael #1 that shows some art and the credits - that is the first page in Azrael #1. The pages are also numbered in Azrael #1. Well all but the last one.

Jean Paul Valley is homeless and living in a shelter in Azrael #1. There is a priest there as well. This group of three men attack Jean Paul Valley and another homeless man in Azrael #1. They decide to go after him at the shelter when he is sleeping. The other homeless man Brian Bryan gives Jean Paul Valley some advice in Azrael #1. The next time he thinks something fantastic is going on near him to just ignore it.

The advice from this man who was a shrink in his past turns out really bad in Azrael #1. The shelter gets set on fire and Jean Paul Valley is sitting there on the bed trying to ignore the fire. Batman and Robin have a conversation about Jean Paul Valley in Azrael #1 as well. Batman is going to try and help him. From what I gather Batman had Azrael take over the mantle of the Bat for a short time.
- Paul


Graphics: 65%
Writing: 70%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Story: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: DC Comics
Author: O'Neil, Kitson, Pascoe
Rating: ‘NR’ for Not Rated

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