Ben Reilly Spider-Man
Noah picked up the Ben Reilly Spider-Man graphic novel at our local
comic book store for $7.49. It initially was selling for $15.99 but was
put in the half off section of the store. This graphic novels contains
Ben Reilly Spider-Man #1 through Ben Reilly Spider-Man #5. So five comic
books for that price is pretty decent. I am not sure if the full price
would be worth it personally.
Now that I am all caught up on comic books (at least until the next
month arrives), I started to focus on some graphic novels. Ben Reilly
Spider-Man has an intro page, credit page, art pages, and front cover
pages. There will be spoilers in my review of the Ben Reilly Spider-Man
comic book. This is from an era of Spider-Man when I was not reading
comic books. Ben Reilly has taken on the mantle of Spider-Man in New
York while Peter and MJ are in Portland.
The issues families can have with Ben Reilly Spider-Man are violence,
blood, lack of attire, enticement to lust, bad language, evolution,
promotion of sexual deviancy and more. At first we do not know who is
attacking Ben Reilly in Ben Reilly Spider-Man. We eventually learn that
it is Spidercide. I was totally unaware of this character before reading
Ben Reilly Spider-Man.
There are some aspects of Ben Reilly Spider-Man that make little to no
sense to me. First off Spidercide gets what he wants and Ben Reilly is
about to be killed by all this insane inmates. Then at the last minute
he changes his mind and saves his life. I re-read that part multiple
times and I still do not get it. In fact it looks like Spidercide gives
up his life to save Ben Reilly.
Ben starts out in Ben Reilly Spider-Man not wanting to trust anyone or
have any friends. By the end of Ben Reilly Spider-Man Ben Reilly has
friends and he wants to protect them. Spidercide is another clone of Ben
Reilly or Spider-Man. Spidercide has some Clayface like powers in Ben
Reilly Spider-Man. The shrink in Ben Reilly Spider-Man is an interesting
character that helps.
- Paul
Graphics: 60%
Writing: 70%
Replay/Extras: 75%
Story: 75%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%
System: Graphic Novel
Publisher: Marvel
Author: DeMatteis, Baldeon, Silva
Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY
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