Black Clover #5
I just finished reading the Black Clover #5 manga book. The chapters
in Black Clover #5 are thirty-five through forty-four. Again Black
Clover #5 calls the chapters pages. I have gone over this in other Black
Clover manga book reviews. I see no reason to continue the same thing
every single review. There will be spoilers in my review of the Black
Clover #5 manga book. Black Clover #5 cost me $11.99 to purchase.
The issues families can have with Black Clover #5 are violence, magic,
false gods, lack of attire, enticement to lust, blood, bad language, and
more. Black Clover #5 starts out with Asta being kidnapped. We learn a
bit about the group that kidnapped Asta and their attack on the city in
Black Clover #5. The Wizard King shows up and easily trounces the bad
guys. He frees Asta. Then someone else shows up and takes away the
majority of the people. No idea who this mystery character is.
There is this freaky lady that wants to study Asta to learn how his
anti-magic powers work in Black Clover #5. She loses her opportunity at
first. Asta winds up on this date while one of his fellow guild mates
watches on. There are actually three men and three women at this mixer.
Asta does not even know what this about. Asta winds up going back with
the young lady after a man attacked her.
Asta plays with this woman's siblings because he is sort of simple
minded. He has no idea that she has romance on her mind. An unhinged
character attacks Asta until they discover the children have been
kidnapped. Two kidnappings in the same book? Seems a bit lazy in terms
of writing to me. These guys are stealing magic from children. That same
freaky lady shows up after they are defeated. She has another
opportunity to get Asta.
Black Clover #5 wraps up with this fight still happening. There is also
a nun that used to be a Magic Knight fighting with the two men. She is
also working on saving the kids from this freaky lady. There is some
defense from the heroic characters while the evil characters can just
attack to their hearts content. I suppose I will continue to read this
manga series a bit more.
- Paul
Graphics: 60%
Writing: 70%
Replay/Extras: 75%
Story: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%
System: Manga
Publisher: Viz Media
Author: Yuki Tabata
Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY {Fantasy Violence}
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