Captain America #600
Captain America #600 is another comic book that was in that grab bag
Noah purchased from Ollie's on Black Friday 2024. This comic book
originally sold for $4.99. The price of the grab bag was five dollars so
we got quite the deal. The stories in Captain America #600 are Origin,
One Year After, In Memorium, The Persistence of Memorabilia, My Bulletin
Boad, and Red Skull's Deadly Revenge. The last one is actually Captain
America #16.
There will be spoilers in my review of the Captain America #600 comic
book. There are sixty-two pages of mainline comic book content in
Captain America #600. The reprint of Captain America #16 from 1942 is
twenty-two pages. Captain America #600 comes to us from August 2009.
There is also a complete cover gallery of all previous Captain America
comic books within Captain America #600. There are a few advertisements
here and there in this comic book.
The different stories have different themes, styles, art, and concepts.
The main theme is Captain America is dead after the events of the Civil
War. The world is still dealing with it. There are people looking for
the weapon that killed him, others protesting against his murder and
more in Captain America #600. There are also characters inspired to
become heroes themselves in Captain America #600.
The issues families can have with Captain America #600 are violence,
blood, bad language, lack of attire, enticement to lust, and more. There
are different characters within Captain America #600 that are fighting
for different reasons. One that is in prison fights to give his woman a
kiss. She is in the infirmary. Although the guards did attack him. I am
not clear as to why.
Captain America #600 is a snapshot in time. I love the cover gallery
pages. It is neat to see the different covers of Captain America. The
really old issue from 1942 is interesting to me as well. There are
numerous Nazi symbols within Captain America #600. I wanted to make you
aware in case that offends you. the Nazis are being fought against
throughout portions of Captain America #600.
- Paul
Graphics: 60%
Writing: 72%
Replay/Extras: 79%
Story: 72%
Family Friendly Factor: 65%
System: Comic Book
Publisher: Marvel
Author: Ross, Dini, Klein, Brubaker, Guice, Aja, Chaykin, Stern, Simon,
Lee, Avison, Quesada
Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY
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