Edens Zero #14
The story arc continues in Edens Zero #14. We are still on the planet
where robots are controlling humans. There are two different groups
trying to stop the robots. The sad thing is these two groups are not
working together in Edens Zero #14. In fact they are doing quite the
opposite. If they worked together they could get it done so much better.
That is just my two cents.
There will be spoilers in my review of the Edens Zero #14 manga book.
Chapters one hundred and fourteen through one hundred and twenty-two are
included in Edens Zero #14. The issues families can have with Edens Zero
#14 are violence, lack of attire, enticement to lust, and more. It looks
like Shiki may have more than one female admirer in Edens Zero #14. I
may be reading into it a bit too much but I do not think so.
There are different characters in Edens Zero #14 with different ethers.
There is one based on glue, and another based on smoke. The Cat Leaper
power is explored in Edens Zero #14. Rebecca learns there are limits to
her Cat Leaper power in Edens Zero #14. She tests it and winds up
exhausting herself. She cannot keep using it over and over again. It
takes a toll at some point.
One of the coolest things in Edens Zero #14 is when the creator of this
franchise offers his love and support of using technology for remote
work. It is amazing to see that in a manga book. It really resonated
with me, and warmed my heart. I hope to see more entertainment support
work life balance, and flexible working arrangements. Shiki shows he
cares for his friends in Edens Zero #14.
Weisz is on a mission to the satellite to stop the transmission that is
making all of the robots crazy. Technically they are trying to reverse
the transmission to return the robots back to normal in Edens Zero #14.
Unfortunately they run into Dr. Muller and that is going to be a
problem. I expect that will get resolved in the next manga book. I hope
it does anyway. The story moves forward in Edens Zero #14 with no
- Paul
Graphics: 60%
Writing: 69%
Replay/Extras: 68%
Story: 69%
Family Friendly Factor: 62%
System: Manga
Publisher: Viz Media
Author: Hiro Mashima
Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY {Fantasy Violence}
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