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G.I. Joe #2





G.I. Joe #2 


I am extremely thankful I had the $3.99 to purchase a copy of the G.I. Joe #2 comic book. The credits in G.I. Joe #2 can be found on the back of the front cover. There are twenty pages of comic book content within G.I. Joe #2. We get half of a page from Tom Reilly, and then a page and a half of art of some of the characters. G.I. Joe #2 then provides some advertisements for different comics, and the cover gallery is on the back cover of this comic book.

There will be spoilers in my review of the G.I. Joe #2 comic book. The issues families can have with G.I. Joe #2 are violence, blood, bad language and more. There is something really odd about G.I. Joe #2 in terms of the bad language. Some of the bad language is done in symbols and other times the words are spelled out. I am not really clear why that was done when it looks like the same word was in both places done both ways.

Cobra winds up winning in G.I. Joe #2. They get the piece of Cybertronian technology and bug out. G.I. Joe gets their hands on the laser guns and Cobra Commander has them self destruct. It looks like Rock 'N Roll is officially dead in G.I. Joe #2. I find this really annoying and sad. I know there are plenty of characters to go through but still - killing off a really popular character this fast is a bad sign.

Speaking of bad signs in G.I. Joe #2 - we get a new character. This new character is completely new to the franchise. We have all of these cool characters to pick from and a brand new one is needed. Why? This character is Risk. He is a rich boy seeking thrills in a suit modeled after John Wick. Risk is also a trained cage fighter. Risk feels like a lame mash up of Quick Kick and John Wick.

The shock ending in G.I. Joe #2 is Clutch is in a Cobra Suit and has infiltrated Cobra. Clutch is giving us a Chuckles kind of performance. Why wasn't Chuckles used for that? Even with all of my criticism aside I did enjoy G.I. Joe #2 a bit more than the last issue. I am still not very big on where this franchise has been going. Duke and Risk are at each other's throats in G.I. Joe #2. Baroness is not happy. G.I. Joe is a complete mess right now.
- Paul


Graphics: 60%
Writing: 68%
Replay/Extras: 72%
Story: 75%
Family Friendly Factor: 68%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Image Comics
Author: Williamson, Reilly, Bellaire
Rating: ‘NR’ for Not Rated

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