G.I. Joe #4
I appreciate having the $3.99 to purchase a copy of the G.I. Joe #4
comic book. There are twenty pages of comic book content within G.I. Joe
#4. There are two letter pages, advertisements, and the cover gallery is
on the back cover. The inside of the front cover contains the credits in
G.I. Joe #4. There is no recap within G.I. Joe #4. I wish that was a
part of this comic book series.
The issues families can have with G.I. Joe #4 are violence, blood, bad
language, and more. The art within G.I. Joe #4 is horrible. I am not a
fan of the art in G.I. Joe #4. The art in G.I. Joe #4 reminds me of the
Virtual Boy. You know that failed system from Nintendo that caused all
kinds of brain pain. Yes I am referencing headaches. There will be
spoilers in my review of the G.I. Joe #4 comic book.
G.I. Joe fails and loses in G.I. Joe #4. The entire really small team
gets captured. Cobra gets the doctor and the Brain Wave Scanner device
in G.I. Joe #4. Cobra Commander takes them to MARS in G.I. Joe #4.
Destro is not really happy about this. Cobra Commander wants to release
a brain bomb that will make humans within the reach to obey Cobra.
Clutch is still hiding as a Viper in G.I. Joe #4.
Mercer and Destro were checking out the body of the scientist that tried
to kill Cobra Commander recently. This guy is blue wearing what looks
like a suit that makes him look human. G.I. Joe #4 gives us another
little connection to Cobra-La. Ripper has a small part in G.I. Joe #4 as
well. Ripper is able to stop G.I. Joe. Where are the other Dreadnocks?
What about Zartan?
There are some gross things in G.I. Joe #4 like someone getting shot in
the head by a sniper. I am not really sure who got shot there. There are
a few vehicles shown off in G.I. Joe #4. I am not clear why Duke
surrendered in G.I. Joe #4. At the end of G.I. Joe #4 Duke lets the
others know that they have Cobra right where they want them. The story
telling in G.I. Joe #4 feels like some of the cartoons from the 80s.
- Paul
Graphics: 57%
Writing: 65%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Story: 73%
Family Friendly Factor: 65%
System: Comic Book
Publisher: Image Comics
Author: Williamson, Reilly, Bellaire
Rating: ‘NR’ for Not Rated
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