Justice League Unlimited #3
I am very glad I had the $4.99 to purchase a copy of the Justice
League Unlimited #3 comic book. The version I got was with the separate
additional front cover with some of the female super heroes. The regular
cover can then we seen right after that. Additional alternate covers are
also shown on the back of the first front cover of the Justice League
Unlimited #3 comic book.
There will be spoilers in my review of the Justice League Unlimited #3
comic book. There are twenty pages of comic book content within Justice
League Unlimited #3. Advertisements can be found throughout the Justice
League Unlimited #3 comic book. There are four pages of a preview of
Justice League The Atom in Justice League Unlimited #3. There are also
another four pages of a preview of the Zatanna comic book.
The issues families can have with Justice League Unlimited #3 are
violence, magic, lack of attire, enticement to lust, and more. We learn
a bit more about Air Wave in Justice League Unlimited #3. He is sleeping
on the station between the walls because he does not have a home on
Earth. He does have quarters on the station so he could just stay there.
I am not clear where that is going.
The entire Amazon forest is on fire in Justice League Unlimited #3. This
could cause all kinds of issues. The fire is magical and the group
behind it is summoned to Earth for a chat. It sounds like these aliens
want to completely take over the planet in Justice League Unlimited #3.
They also want to psychologically punish the heroes. Their motives are
not known in Justice League Unlimited #3.
There is also an instance in Justice League Unlimited #3 where two
heroes get to swap powers so they can get their original powers back.
There is a reference in Justice League Unlimited #3 to trying to find a
way to reset everyone's powers at once. It sounds like there might be a
new hero willing to take part in some trials. Although since he has his
powers what good would he actually be?
- Paul
Graphics: 63%
Writing: 77%
Replay/Extras: 73%
Story: 77%
Family Friendly Factor: 66%
System: Comic Book
Publisher: DC Comics
Author: Waid, Mora, Bonvillain
Rating: ‘13+’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY
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