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Legacy of Kain Collection





Legacy of Kain Collection 


Legacy of Kain Collection is another Giga cartridge on the Evercade family of systems. Legacy of Kain Collection contains two games within it. The two games on the Legacy of Kain Collection cartridge are Blood Omen Legacy of Kain, and Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver. I live streamed these games on our Twitch channel. The videos for each game are being included on our video channels as time and financial resources allow. I remember these original Playstation video games from back in the day and honestly it was not positive.

The issues families will have with Legacy of Kain Collection are blood, gore, lack of attire, enticement to lust, false gods, bad language, and more. Players wind up playing some form of a vampire in Legacy of Kain Collection. The way to keep your health is to suck the blood from other characters in the first game. In the second game players are sucking the souls out of what they are fighting. There is some political intrigue in terms of the story telling in Legacy of Kain Collection.

The visuals are dark in both games, especially the cut scenes. I personally preferred the look of the first game. It is an angled overhead view where we see our character. The second game on Legacy of Kain Collection is a 3D platformer with some interesting skills for the players to use. I did run into some frustration with the controls in Legacy of Kain Collection. I hated swapping between realms in the same area in the second game.

The environment and music works to be creepy and annoying. I can see Legacy of Kain Collection fitting quite nicely under the horror theme. I am not sure what brought this franchise back. Evercade is not the only one to get a Legacy of Kain Collection collection. Other systems are as well. As far as I know Legacy of Kain Collection is the only physical copy version so that is nice. The others also may have been remastered where Legacy of Kain Collection emulates the original Playstation video games.

Legacy of Kain Collection is not my kind of thing. I can be open and honest about that. I am not into playing evil characters. This is one of those early games that started gamers on the path of darkness.
- Paul


Graphics: 50%
Sound: 65%
Replay/Extras: 60%
Gameplay: 65%
Family Friendly Factor: 50%

System: Evercade/Playstation
Publisher: Blaze Entertainment
Developer: Crystal Dynamics
Rating: ‘NR’ - Not Rated

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