Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD
It is interesting to see a game we reviewed back in 2013, get a
remake on a current system. Over ten years ago Luigi’s Mansion Dark Moon
came out on the Nintendo 3DS. It was recently remade for the Nintendo
Switch and renamed Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD. The content is generally the
same, albeit Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD does look a bit better, and on only
one screen. I do question the ESRB losing the Crude Humor descriptor for
Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD. The crude humor is still in Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD,
so why did the ESRB forget to add it this time? There will be spoilers
in my review of Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD.
I live streamed Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD from start to finish on our YouTube
channel. There were some major frustrations near the end of this game.
In fact the last level was harder then the end boss. I did have to
figure out how to hurt King Boo though. Once I did it was off the races.
Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD contains a Boo hidden in each level, money to
collect, ghosts to collect, gems to collect and more. If you want to
100% this game then you will spend twenty to thirty hours working on it.
I played Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD for around fifteen hours. I learned early
on to get two hundred dollars, and check an object to get a gold dog
bone. The gold dog bone grants the player an extra life.
Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD is dark, and scary. In terms of horror games
Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD is pretty light. We are still catching ghosts with
a vacuum cleaner, We catch possessor ghosts to get back pieces of the
dark moon. The whole goal of Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD is to put the Dark
Moon back together. At first players do not know who set things off. We
wind up saving Mario from a painting yet again. The ghosts are all happy
at the end of Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD once the Dark Moon is back in the
There are plenty of secrets within Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD. We have the
flashlight that also goes into a darklight to reveal hidden objects -
like doors. We use certain items to set webs on fire so we can progress.
There are plenty of battle rooms where the ghosts must all be found and
caught to be able to leave the room. Ghosts will laugh after hurting the
Multiple family members can play Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD together if they
so choose. There is also the Scarescraper that can be played. Luigi’s
Mansion 2 HD is not the best game out there and it is not the worst.
- Paul
Graphics: 59%
Sound: 67%
Replay/Extras: 74%
Gameplay: 57%
Family Friendly Factor: 61%
System: Nintendo Switch
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Tantalus Media
Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY {Mild Fantasy Violence}
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