When we had a little extra money to spend on products to review I
decided to purchase Migration on DVD. This is from Illumination. You
know the ones that make Minions. It takes one hour and twenty-two
minutes to watch Migration from start to finish. This is an animated
movie about a family of mallards. These ducks live in a safe pond and do
not need to worry about predators.
There will be spoilers in my review of the Migration movie. The issues
families can have are rude humor, violence, and more. I noticed
Hollyweird is back to their role reversal tricks in Migration. The dad
is scared of everything and wants to keep the family safe by staying in
a safe area. The mom wants adventure and keeps encouraging the kids to
want the same thing. The dad is constantly made to look bad in
Migration. This movie could be considered part of the war on men.
The dad eventually relents when he realizes he will wind up all alone if
the family stays safe. So the family goes on a migration trip to
Jamaica. Along the way they meet other birds that help them with
directions. The bad guy in Migration is a human. Of course it is a human
that is the bad guy. Hollyhate seems to love to attack us at every
single chance they get. This cook wants to catch them and eat them.
Never mind they steal his birds.
There is plenty of humor within Migration. The family is constantly in
peril in Migration as well. There are moments where they enjoy flying
through clouds for example. The cook getting all of those ducks from
that farm makes little sense to me. He would not need that many birds at
once. Plus how will he get more in the future if all of them leave the
farm? There is over an hour of bonus features in Migration. The three
shorts in Migration are hilarious.
I love how the family stays together in Migration. I love how some
characters are listened to. I wish the dad’s concerns were listened to.
I wish the dad was not treated so badly in Migration. The dad was right
about all those dangers. The kids should listen to and obey their father
more in Migration. The kids are not good examples of how to properly
behave in Migration.
- Paul
Video: 76%
Audio: 85%
Replay/Extras: 90%
Functionality: 80%
Family Friendly Factor: 75%
System: DVD
Publisher: Universal Studios
Developer: Illumination Entertainment
Rating: ‘PG’ - Parental Guidance Suggested
{Action/Peril and Mild Rude Humor}
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