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Miles Morales The Clone Saga





Miles Morales The Clone Saga 


My focus on graphic novels continues with Miles Morales The Clone Saga. This is another half off graphic novel that Noah purchases for $9.99. Miles Morales The Clone Saga contains Miles Morales Spider-Man #22-#28. In essence there are seven comic books contained within Miles Morales The Clone Saga. There are also pages showing the different front covers in Miles Morales The Clone Saga. There are ten pages of a totally non-related story in Miles Morales The Clone Saga as well.

There will be spoilers in my review of the Miles Morales The Clone Saga graphic novel. I have read some other Miles Morales related content and that did not impress me. Miles Morales The Clone Saga started bad and slowly got a little bit better as the storyline revealed itself. The thing is the storyline in Miles Morales The Clone Saga has been done to death in other comic books. So it is difficult to get invested.

The issues families will have with Miles Morales The Clone Saga are violence, bad language, false gods, lack of attire, enticement to lust, blood, and more. Landowners are seriously hated on in Miles Morales The Clone Saga. I find it interesting that I found that exact same theme in other Marvel comic books. Maybe even others that are based out of New York City. Is there a location connection?

I am unclear why the first few issues were included in Miles Morales The Clone Saga. They have nothing to do with it. Why waste the space? Just to charge readers more money? When we finally find out about copycat Brooklyn Spider-Man characters then we remember this is a clone graphic novel. I literally forgot it was a graphic novel about clones until a few issues into it.

There are three clones in Miles Morales The Clone Saga. Miles winds up destroying their lab thinking they were trying to make even more clones. He then finds out they are trying to save their own lives since they are unstable and will die soon. Miles offers to help, and they refuse. Instead they attack Miles, kidnap his sister and wind up fighting among themselves. I hope Miles saves the one that is left. Miles Morales The Clone Saga should have left out the first couple of comics and included one after that fixes the clone.
- Paul


Graphics: 59%
Writing: 66%
Replay/Extras: 69%
Story: 71%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: Graphic Novel
Publisher: Marvel
Author: Ahmed, Carnero, Bustos, Curiel
Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY

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