Multiversus Collision Detected #6
I can feel things starting to wrap up in this series. Multiversus
Collision Detected #6 cost me $4.99. There are twenty-two pages of comic
book content within Multiversus Collision Detected #6. There are also
four pages of a preview of Two Face #1. I must admit that Two Face #1
does not interest me. I am not big on the art style in that comic book.
There is also a DC Nation Spotlight on All In.
There will be spoilers in my review of the Multiversus Collision
Detected #6 comic book. The credits in Multiversus Collision Detected #6
can be found on the bottom of the third page. Steven Universe really
shows his intelligence in Multiversus Collision Detected #6. He comes up
with a way to trick the bad guy into giving up the little girl and
taking small versions of them to the fight club.
The heroes still need to try and find a way to free the other fighters.
I think that will be happening in the next issue. I wonder if things
wrap up the next issue or one after that. Shaggy and Batman have some
great conversations in Multiversus Collision Detected #6. The
interaction between the two characters in Multiversus Collision Detected
#6 is fantastic in my opinion.
At one point it looks like the heroes made a major sacrifice for this
little girl in Multiversus Collision Detected #6. Then we find out what
they really did was extremely clever. They will not even miss the small
parts of themselves. I am still smiling at the fantastic writing that
was in Multiversus Collision Detected #6. Shaggy also helped Wonder
Woman in Multiversus Collision Detected #6.
Bugs Bunny even has his moment in Multiversus Collision Detected #6.
Steven Universe is the one that really shined in Multiversus Collision
Detected #6. Harley Quinn has really dropped far in Multiversus
Collision Detected #6. In fact Harley Quinn might be an attempt at comic
relief. Sady Harley Quinn falls flat in Multiversus Collision Detected
#6 for me. Thankfully it was a short part.
- Paul
Graphics: 66%
Writing: 75%
Replay/Extras: 64%
Story: 75%
Family Friendly Factor: 69%
System: Comic Book
Publisher: DC Comics
Author: Miller, Sommariva, Herms
Rating: ‘13+’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY
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