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My Hero Academia Vol 12





My Hero Academia Vol 12 


I am very thankful I had the $9.99 to purchase a copy of the My Hero Academia Vol 12 manga book. Chapters one hundred through one hundred and eight are included in the My Hero Academia Vol 12 book. At some point I got off with the naming of this franchise and forgot the volume portion. That is being corrected with this review. I have also been correcting them as the reviews go online. My Hero Academia Vol 12 starts with training and then takes us to the Provisional Licensing Exam. Heroes must go through a lot of testing in this fantasy universe.

There will be spoilers in my review of the My Hero Academia Vol 12 manga book. The issues families can have with My Hero Academia Vol 12 are lack of attire, enticement to lust, bad language, violence, blood, and more. There are pages within My Hero Academia Vol 12 devoted to the different characters. I find many of these pages to be very fascinating indeed. The kids are taught to start thinking about coming up with ultimate moves in My Hero Academia Vol 12.

My Hero Academia Vol 12 starts with some training and quickly goes to the Provisional Licensing Exam. New and interesting characters are introduced in My Hero Academia Vol 12. Different schools are taking the same exam. A whole lot less students can qualify in My Hero Academia Vol 12. All of Class 1-A qualifies the first round in My Hero Academia Vol 12.

My Hero Academia Vol 12 ends with the start of the second round. The second round will be going on in the next manga book. Deku decides how he can be different from All Might in My Hero Academia Vol 12. Deku decides to work on his legs. The young lady that makes equipment for heroes provides costume changes for a wide array of characters in My Hero Academia Vol 12. Deku is one of them that gets some nice braces to help him not break his body while using the borrowed power.

I love how the kids all think of ways to improve their skills and powers in My Hero Academia Vol 12. Bakugo has a new impressive scatter shot ability now. We learn a little bit about the characters from the other schools but not as much as I would like to. To be fair a lot of new characters are added in My Hero Academia Vol 12. I love how the teachers are really helping their students improve in My Hero Academia Vol 12. I wish our education system was like My Hero Academia Vol 12.
- Paul


Graphics: 65%
Writing: 68%
Replay/Extras: 73%
Story: 73%
Family Friendly Factor: 65%

System: Manga
Publisher: Viz Media
Author: Kohei Horikoshi
Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY {Fantasy Violence}

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