NBA 2K25
Another year and another NBA 2K basketball game. This year it is NBA
2K25. There are some interesting changes within this sports video game.
First and foremost the halftime show is gone. To avoid audio copyrights
while live streaming NBA 2K25 I had to turn off every single song one a
time. I know it past years there was an easy option to turn off all the
music with a few presses of the button. What gives this year? There are
a variety of different teams from different eras in NBA 2K25. There is
also the WNBA for those that are interested in women’s basketball.
NBA 2K25 looks good, and it sounds good. There are plenty of interesting
comments from the announcers. The presentation is all about the
experience at the courts. So we get a dance cam for example. Although
the same dances were performed by different NPC’s in game after game.
Those can be skipped. The cheerleaders will dance. We will see someone
try and make the half court shot and more in NBA 2K25. The controls are
easy to pick up and there are multiple difficulty settings so you can
customize this game for your level.
My biggest irritation and complaint against NBA 2K25 is trying to
defend. The ball would be on the left side of the court, and my guy
would be on the right. I could not tell when my guy moved since we were
both off camera. By the time I realized he was running in for an
alley-oop it was too late. The guy was past me and slamming the ball.
NBA 2K25 needs to do something about this. On harder difficulties the
computer abuses this again and again. Free throws are much more
challenging this year as well. Cheerleaders have a lack of attire and
enticement to lust. There are offensive songs in NBA 2K25 as well.
The feel and the flow of NBA 2K25 is basketball. I love seeing the
different courts, and playing the different teams in NBA 2K25. Multiple
family members can enjoy NBA 2K25 at the same time. There are also
online options in NBA 2K25. You can have your own team, and more in NBA
2K25. There are also seasons within this game. I am not talking about
like in the real world. NBA 2K25 has seasons within the seasons if that
makes any sense.
I would love to see this game in VR personally. I hope NBA 2K25 comes to
the Playstation VR 2 pretty soon. That would fix the camera issues on
defense. Offense is all kinds of fun in NBA 2K25.
- Paul
Graphics: 79%
Sound: 74%
Replay/Extras: 91%
Gameplay: 79%
Family Friendly Factor: 75%
System: Nintendo Switch/PC/PS4/PS5/Xbox One/Xbox Series X
Publisher: 2K Sports
Developer: Visual Concepts
Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY
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