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Paper Mario The Thousand-Year Door





Paper Mario The Thousand-Year Door 


I was not sure when I finished playing Paper Mario The Thousand-Year Door on the Nintendo Switch if I would do a review or not. Family Friendly Gaming reviewed Paper Mario The Thousand-Year Door back on the Gamecube. There are some changes made to the Nintendo Switch version. There are also some things that are more controversial in Paper Mario The Thousand-Year Door.

There is debate on a character in Paper Mario The Thousand-Year Door. Are they suffering from the mental illness of gender dysphoria? Why is entertainment constantly pushing that radical far left agenda? There is also some sexual innuendo in Paper Mario The Thousand-Year Door. Generally it is directed at Mario in this paper thin role playing video game. Paper is a big theme in Paper Mario The Thousand-Year Door.

Graphically parts of Paper Mario The Thousand-Year Door do show their age. There seems to be some graphical improvements but there are also parts that are lacking. There are plenty of areas where families can get stuck in Paper Mario The Thousand-Year Door. Along the way we earn new partners in Paper Mario The Thousand-Year Door that can help us progress through the areas and unlock secrets.

There are all kinds of side missions and quests that can be performed in Paper Mario The Thousand-Year Door. The turn based battles are good, and fun in my opinion. When we level up we can increase our hit points, flower points, or badge points. Badges can help the player in a plethora of ways. They can give you more hit points, flower points, attack, defense, and more. Partners can be upgrades with shine sprites.

There are some challenging bosses in Paper Mario The Thousand-Year Door. Once I learned how to combat them I did better the second time I fought them. Flying as a paper airplane can be aggravating at times. Being able to use Yoshi to cross chasms was pretty cool. The bomb guy in Paper Mario The Thousand-Year Door is very helpful. We can also tattle the enemies to see their hit points.

Paper Mario The Thousand-Year Door was improved upon with a few quality of life aspects. For example a pipe was included to make getting back to town faster in certain areas. There is demon possession of Princess Peach near the end of Paper Mario The Thousand-Year Door. We also have some violent content as we jump on enemies, whack them with a hammer and more. Yoshi can suck up the enemies and knock them into the others.


Graphics: 80%
Sound: 85%
Replay/Extras: 85%
Gameplay: 80%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%

System: Nintendo Switch
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Intelligent Systems
Rating: ‘E’ for Everyone
{Mild Fantasy Violence, Mild Suggestive Themes}

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