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Silver Surfer Rebirth #2





Silver Surfer Rebirth #2 


My exploration of the bottom of pile of comic books has reached Silver Surfer Rebirth #2. I vaguely remember purchasing this comic book some years back for $4.99. Silver Surfer Rebirth #2 originally sold for $3.99. I suspect the variant edition cover may have something to do with that. This one comic book store in our neighborhood charges an extra dollar for the variant covers. That is one of the reasons we went to the other comic book store.

There will be spoilers in my review of the Silver Surfer Rebirth #2 comic book. This comic book contains twenty pages of comic book content. There is also a page in Silver Surfer Rebirth #2 devoted to the next issue. Advertisements can be found all throughout the Silver Surfer Rebirth #2 comic book. There is some violent content within Silver Surfer Rebirth #2. There is also a character that believe he is a false god.

The Silver Surfer is not happy with Thanos for killing off Captain Marvel. The Silver Surfer will not listen to reason so he attacks Thanos. Once Thanos puts the Silver Surfer down he will listen to what is actually going on. Someone stole the Reality Gem from Thanos. The reality with an alive and then dead Captain Marvel was done by this other person. Captain Marvel being dead or alive is not as important as the Reality Gem.

The Silver Surfer agrees to help Thanos out in Silver Surfer Rebirth #2. They are going to track down the character that stole the Reality Gem. They need to do this before this character figures out how to use the Reality Gem. Silver Surfer Rebirth #2 ends with Thanos going to one location and the Silver Surfer going to another location. The character that stole the Reality Gem knows they are onto him or her.

Silver Surfer Rebirth #2 is much more interesting than the first issue. Silver Surfer Rebirth #2 actually caught my eye. I do not believe I have any more of this series in my pile. I would need to purchase the next issue to find out what happens. I also do not know what character is behind the Reality Gem theft. Maybe I will look for the next issue at some point in the future. Then again maybe not.
- Paul


Graphics: 68%
Writing: 73%
Replay/Extras: 65%
Story: 73%
Family Friendly Factor: 67%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Marvel
Author: Marz, Lim, Ho, Silva
Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY

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