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Superman #865





Superman #865 


I continue to use the legacy numbering system in terms to my reviews of the Superman comic books. Superman #865 also has Superman #22 on the front cover. Superman #865 cost me $4.99 to purchase brand new. There are twenty-two pages of comic book content within Superman #865. There is also a four page preview of Zantanna #1 in Superman #865. The DC Nation Spotlight is the interview related to Superman I have read before.

Expect spoilers throughout this review of the Superman #865 comic book. The credits can be found on page number three in Superman #865 along with some art. Advertisements can be found near the end of the Superman #865 comic book. The issues families can have with Superman #865 are violence, blood, evolution, false gods, and more. I learned some things about this franchise as well.

Lois Lane is now over the Daily Planet. She is also Superwoman. Perry is the mayor in Superman #865. Radiant is the alien over the armada that has come to get Doomsday. Superman and Superwoman have a conversation in Superman #865. Radiant lets something interesting slip - Doomsday will be put to good use. Does that mean they plan on using Doomsday to destroy everyone on different planets?

There is an interesting concept within Superman #865. Doomsday cannot die. Every single time he does die he comes back stronger. Plus the method to take him down last time will not work a second time in the future. So in order to stop him the heroes need something new and different every single time. This makes Doomsday extremely dangerous. Doomsday is confided but they are trying to move him when Radiant attacks.

Time Trapper shows up at the end of Superman #865. Time Trapper wants Superwoman to take him down. I do have one thought concerning Time Trapper. Why doesn't Time Trapper go to the Superman in his time? Superman in the future should be able to give him what he wants. Why go back in time for this? What happened to Superman in the future? Something does not add up in Superman #865 to me.
- Paul


Graphics: 62%
Writing: 66%
Replay/Extras: 60%
Story: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: DC Comics
Author: Williamson, Mora, Sanchez
Rating: ‘13+’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY

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