Target Presents Reading to the Rescue #4
As I get near the bottom of my pile of comic books I came across a
most interesting title indeed. I believe Target Presents Reading to the
Rescue #4 came from one of the boys rooms. This is the fourth and last
comic book in this series. As you can probably gather Target Presents
Reading to the Rescue #4 is involved in a partnership between Target and
Marvel. Back in 2006 Target was carrying Marvel comic books.
There will be some spoilers in my review of the Target Presents Reading
to the Rescue #4 comic book. There are thirteen pages of comic book
content within Target Presents Reading to the Rescue #4. There are also
two pages of a crossword puzzle and a page with a coupon on it. Can you
guess what the coupon is for? Any Marvel comic book priced at $4.99.
Target Presents Reading to the Rescue #4 states it is not for resale.
Three kids were given an assignment to make their own super hero.
Annihilus shows up to get this energy. As Annihilus tries to get the
energy in Target Presents Reading to the Rescue #4 it splits into three
and goes to these three kids. Pretty convenient huh? The kids then help
Spider-Man, She Hulk and the Fantastic Four put down the villain. The
way they do it in Target Presents Reading to the Rescue #4 is so stupid.
I do need to mention there is some woke content, and violent content
within Target Presents Reading to the Rescue #4. This one girl can calm
people down. she uses this power to calm down the raging Hulk who was
absolutely owning She Hulk. I need to make that point after that
horrible She Hulk television show. The same thing is done to Annihilus.
He is made happy as a baby in Target Presents Reading to the Rescue #4.
I am not really sure how Target Presents Reading to the Rescue #4
encourages anyone to read. Let alone makes you feel like reading was to
the rescue. Target might be all over this comic book but aside from
their name, there are not Target stores in Target Presents Reading to
the Rescue #4. A fight in a Target store would have been interesting and
a bit different. I guess Target did not like that idea. Or maybe it was
done in one of the other three issues.
- Paul
Graphics: 70%
Writing: 70%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Story: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%
System: Comic Book
Publisher: Marvel
Author: DeZago, Lim, Moussa
Rating: ‘AA’ for All Ages
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