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Thalamus Collection 1





Thalamus Collection 1 


Blaze Entertainment has been releasing more cartridges with less games on them recently. Thalamus Collection 1 is a call back to the past since it has eleven games on this cartridge. The eleven games on Thalamus Collection 1 are Hunter’s Moon Remastered, Armalyte Competition Edition, Hawkeye, Snare, Retrograde, Creatures, Summer Camp, Heatseeker, Creatures II Torture Trouble, Winter Camp, and Nobby the Aardvark. There are six platformers, two shooters, and three action games on this cartridge.

The games on the Thalamus Collection 1 come from the Commodore 64 (C64) system. The games look decent for that era. They are definitely retro video games. The controls in some of these games are better than others as well. I struggled with what to do and then how to do it in Thalamus Collection 1. These games are from an era where you need to figure it out or just fail again and again. There are certainly aspects to some games in Thalamus Collection 1 that are not intuitive.

Snare has some puzzle elements but I still struggled with what to do in this game. The same goes for Winter Camp in terms of figuring out what to do. Summer Camp was much better and more fun in my opinion. I am not a fan of either of the Creatures video games on Thalamus Collection 1. The second one is much worse in terms of how to progress in my humble opinion. The two shooters are decent if you are into blowing everything away.

The strangest game in Thalamus Collection 1 is Heatseeker. We play the weirdest creature and we are doing the strangest things. We are a leg with a ball on top collecting energy. I think we are trying to save some planet in Heatseeker. The whole lame environmental theme went right over my head when I live streamed Thalamus Collection 1 on our Twitch channel. We are making videos for our video channels of each of the games.

Hawkeye on Thalamus Collection 1 was totally forgettable and has nothing to do with the Marvel hero. Nobby the Aardvark is a stand out title for me on Thalamus Collection 1. It took me a minute to figure out how to get ammo in Nobby the Aardvark. Once I did I was off to the races. Nobby the Aardvark is challenging but I had fun with it. I like being able to play these C64 video games on the Evercade. More please.
- Paul


Graphics: 60%
Sound: 70%
Replay/Extras: 85%
Gameplay: 55%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: Evercade
Publisher: Blaze Entertainment
Developer: Thalamus
Rating: ‘NR’ - Not Rated

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