The Rising of the Shield Hero 19
From watching the anime I know the being in another world storyline
will be wrapping up pretty soon. I do not recall how it all ends and how
they get back to their own world. I am enjoying going through the manga
of The Rising of the Shield Hero. This manga book contains chapters
seventy-five through seventy-eight. The chapters in The Rising of the
Shield Hero 19 are on the large side.
There will be spoilers in my review of the The Rising of the Shield Hero
19 manga book. The issues families can have with The Rising of the
Shield Hero 19 are violence, bad language, lack of attire, enticement to
lust, blood, and more. There is some humor within The Rising of the
Shield Hero 19. Naofumi likes to mess with people from time to time in
The Rising of the Shield Hero 19.
Some characters in The Rising of the Shield Hero 19 consider The Shield
Hero to be a villain. Naofumi tries to educate these people, but usually
must fight them. What is interesting is when they lose and think he will
do something horrible to them. They quickly learn how all of their
assumptions about The Shield Hero were completely wrong. This theme
continues in The Rising of the Shield Hero 19.
The man who wanted the sword attacks Raphtalia in The Rising of the
Shield Hero 19. She defeats him and the other heroes fight off these
annoying tigers. The heroes from both worlds get together at a house
only to get attacked by a lady using a sword infused with the powers of
the Spirit Tortoise. They are able to defeat her but cannot teleport to
the castle. Why not you may be asking.
The castle is under attack. The lady that attacked them wants to go with
them. I suspect they are starting to open her eyes to the lies from Kyo.
Another possibility is her eyes will be opened when she gets to the
castle and sees who is behind the attack. I do not recall exactly from
the anime. The Rising of the Shield Hero 19 moves the story forward a
little bit. The heroes still have Kyo to deal with.
- Paul
Graphics: 65%
Writing: 68%
Replay/Extras: 75%
Story: 75%
Family Friendly Factor: 65%
System: Manga
Publisher: One Peace Books
Author: Aiya Kyu
Rating: ‘NR’ for Not Rated
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