Transformers The Complete First Season
Some years ago I purchased the entire original Transformers cartoon.
I recently decided to start watching it. I will review one season at a
time. Transformers The Complete First Season is the first one that I
just finished watching. There are sixteen episodes that make up
Transformers The Complete First Season. They are on two discs. There is
a third disc that has some bonus features.
History buffs of cartoons will find some interesting things in
Transformers The Complete First Season. I will be including spoilers in
my review of the Transformers The Complete First Season television show.
Transformers The Complete First Season does a good job of introducing
these characters to the American audience. The issues families can have
with Transformers The Complete First Season are violence, false gods,
Old Earth theory and more.
I had a really interesting thought while watching Transformers The
Complete First Season. The name for the Autobots makes perfect sense.
The Decepticons name does not. Why would they name themselves something
like that? It would be like a slang used against them from the other
side. Aerobots would make more sense. Transformers The Complete First
Season also has odd logic at times. Sometimes the Autobots can fly and
other times they are ground bound.
Megatron is constantly trying to get Energon from the Earth's natural
resources to save and revitalize Cybertron. The Autobots are fighting
the Decepticons to save the Earth. There are moments like when Optimus
Prime brings Cybertron into Earth's orbit to save his home planet. There
are some clever things in Transformers The Complete First Season like
when Megatron tricks the Dinobots into attacking Optimus Prime.
The Dinobots versus Constructicons is an interesting dynamic in
Transformers The Complete First Season. I do not understand why the
Constructicons can be so intelligent but the Dinobots are not. Are the
Decepticons that much better at building new robots? The Insecticons are
almost like their own entity in Transformers The Complete First Season.
They are Decepticons but more out for themselves.
- Paul
Video: 72%
Audio: 79%
Replay/Extras: 79%
Functionality: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 78%
System: DVD
Publisher: Shout Factory
Developer: Hasbro
Rating: ‘NR’ - Not Rated
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