XO Manowar #20
XO Manowar #20 is another comic book that was in that sampler Noah
purchased from that trip to Ollie's on Black Friday 2024. This comic
book originally sold for $3.99. Noah got it for a much lower price since
multiple comic books were in the same sampler bag. XO Manowar #20 is one
of those comics in the middle so we did not even know it was in there. I
do not know much about this franchise or the company behind it.
I will have spoilers in the review of this comic book. The issues
families can have with XO Manowar #20 are violence, blood, false
gods/goddesses, lack of attire, enticement to lust and more. The comic
book content within XO Manowar #20 is twenty-two pages. There is also a
page for the next issue, and four pages of a preview of the Ninjak #13
comic book within XO Manowar #20.
There is even comic book content on the back of the front cover of the
XO Manowar #20 comic book. This is pretty rare since I have been reading
comic books. There are a few pages of comic book content, then a credits
page, and a characters page in XO Manowar #20. The characters page
helped me understand a bit about the characters within XO Manowar #20.
The art is nice in XO Manowar #20.
XO Manowar #20 starts out with one character choking another character.
This woman with a gun comes into this room. The two characters fight it
out, until the woman shoots another character and makes the battle end.
Then the characters talk about why they are there and what their goals
are. The two men find out from the woman that the character they seek is
The two men go to confront this other character. The woman stays back.
The issues the men have in XO Manowar #20 are not completely resolved. I
do not have the next comic book so I have no idea where this storyline
winds up going. I am also not invested in XO Manowar #20 enough to want
to seek out the rest of the story. XO Manowar #20 is interesting for a
few minutes.
- Paul
Graphics: 60%
Writing: 70%
Replay/Extras: 75%
Story: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%
System: Comic Book
Publisher: Valiant
Author: Kindt, Ry, Dalhouse, Sharpe
Rating: ‘13+’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY
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