Review Listing Alphabetical
Name | System | Score | Release Date |
Sackboy A Big Adventure | PS4 | 86 | 07/29/2021 |
Sackboy A Big Adventure | PS5 | 86 | 07/29/2021 |
Safari Quest | Nintendo 3DS | 75 | 11/13/2014 |
Safecracker | PC | 87 | 04/27/2016 |
Safecracker | Wii | 87 | 04/27/2016 |
Sally's Salon | Nintendo DS | 84 | 12/10/2008 |
Sam & Max The Devil's Playhouse | PC | 61 | 06/22/2010 |
Sam & Max The Devil's Playhouse | PS3 | 61 | 06/22/2010 |
Sam & Max The Devil's Playhouse Episode 4 | PC | 60 | 07/21/2010 |
Sam & Max The Devil's Playhouse Episode 4 | PS3 | 60 | 07/21/2010 |
Sam & Max The Devil's Playhouse Episode 5 | PC | 61 | 08/31/2010 |
Sam & Max The Devil's Playhouse Episode 5 | PS3 | 61 | 08/31/2010 |
Samba de Amigo | Wii | 65 | 01/18/2010 |
Sammy Sosa High Heat Baseball 2001 | PC | 85 | 09/21/2015 |
Sammy Sosa High Heat Baseball 2001 | Playstation | 85 | 09/21/2015 |
Samurai Defender | Nintendo 3DS | 73 | 05/25/2015 |
Samurai Showdown | PS3 | 64 | 01/06/2011 |
Samurai Shodown 2 | Neo Geo Pocket | 36 | 01/03/2015 |
Samurai Warriors 4-II | PS4 | 50 | 11/05/2016 |
Samurai Warriors Chronicles 3 | Nintendo 3DS | 60 | 07/03/2015 |
Samurai Warriors Chronicles 3 | PS Vita | 60 | 07/03/2015 |
Samurai Warriors Spirit of Sanada | PC | 62 | 05/23/2017 |
Samurai Warriors Spirit of Sanada | PS4 | 62 | 05/23/2017 |
San Francisco Rush 2049 | Nintendo 64 | 67 | 08/29/2019 |
Sanctuary Season 1 | DVD | 53 | 01/16/2013 |
Sanctuary Season 2 | DVD | 50 | 02/18/2013 |
Sanctuary Season 3 | DVD | 51 | 10/23/2013 |
SanctuaryRPG Black Edition | PC | 56 | 02/19/2015 |
Sand Slides | iPod Touch | 91 | 09/24/2012 |
Sands of Destruction The Complete Series | DVD | 61 | 10/20/2022 |
Santa Buddies | Blu-ray | 88 | 11/19/2009 |
Santa Buddies | DVD | 88 | 11/19/2009 |
Santa Claus is Comin' to Town | Nintendo DS | 84 | 12/07/2011 |
Santa Claus is Comin' to Town | Wii | 79 | 11/24/2011 |
Santa Fake | DVD | 83 | 12/18/2019 |
Santa Paws 2 The Santa Pups | Blu-ray | 90 | 11/11/2012 |
Santa Paws 2 The Santa Pups | DVD | 90 | 11/11/2012 |
Santa's Christmas Gifts! | iPad | 70 | 12/06/2014 |
Santa’s Xmas Adventure | Nintendo Switch | 77 | 11/28/2020 |
Santa’s Xmas Adventure | PS4 | 77 | 11/28/2020 |
Sasuke vs Commander | PS3 | 67 | 08/07/2011 |
Sasuke vs Commander | PSP | 67 | 08/07/2011 |
Satisfashion | Nintendo DS | 83 | 06/28/2010 |
Saturday Night Slam Masters | Genesis | 54 | 04/09/2017 |
Saturday Night Slam Masters | Super NES | 54 | 04/09/2017 |
Savage Spider-Man #1 | Comic Books | 60 | 07/14/2022 |
Savage Spider-Man #2 | Comic Books | 58 | 08/23/2022 |
Savage Spider-Man #3 | Comic Books | 60 | 09/29/2022 |
Savage Spider-Man #4 | Comic Books | 62 | 10/15/2022 |
Savage Spider-Man #5 | Comic Books | 65 | 12/01/2022 |
Savannah Sunrise | DVD | 88 | 05/06/2017 |
Save the Furries | iPad | 83 | 12/16/2011 |
Save the Furries | iPod Touch | 83 | 12/16/2011 |
Save the Furries | Wii | 80 | 07/23/2012 |
Save the Turtles | Nintendo DSi | 93 | 04/01/2010 |
Save Yammi | iPad | 89 | 08/13/2011 |
Save Yammi | iPod Touch | 89 | 08/13/2011 |
Saving God | DVD | 93 | 10/07/2008 |
Saving on Vacation | Table | 85 | 12/15/2012 |
Saving Private Sheep | iPod Touch | 82 | 06/30/2010 |
Saving Yello | iPod Touch | 74 | 11/26/2011 |
Scarlett #1 | Comic Books | 61 | 08/09/2024 |
Scarlett #2 | Comic Books | 59 | 08/22/2024 |
Scarlett #3 | Comic Books | 60 | 09/25/2024 |
Scarlett #4 | Comic Books | 58 | 10/23/2024 |
Scarlett #5 | Comic Books | 60 | 11/24/2024 |
Scene It Box Office Smash | Xbox 360 | 73 | 12/09/2008 |
Schrodinger’s Cat and the Raiders of the Lost Quark | PS4 | 60 | 05/16/2015 |
Schrodinger’s Cat and the Raiders of the Lost Quark | Xbox One | 60 | 05/16/2015 |
Science of the Bible | DVD | 57 | 11/09/2024 |
Scoob! | DVD | 85 | 03/28/2021 |
Scooby-Doo! #156 | Comic Books | 73 | 08/28/2024 |
Scooby-Doo! and Krypto Too! | DVD | 79 | 07/18/2024 |
Scooby-Doo First Frights | PS2 | 60 | 09/02/2015 |
Scooby-Doo First Frights | Wii | 60 | 09/02/2015 |
Scooby-Doo! & Looney Tunes Cartoon Universe Adventure | Nintendo 3DS | 69 | 07/31/2014 |
Scooby-Doo Mystery Mayhem | Gameboy Advance | 81 | 12/23/2019 |
Scooby-Doo! Where Are You? #124 | Comic Books | 76 | 01/12/2024 |
Scooby-Doo! Where Are You? #125 | Comic Books | 76 | 02/07/2024 |
Scooby-Doo! Where Are You? #126 | Comic Books | 72 | 04/01/2024 |
Scooby-Doo! Where Are You? #127 | Comic Books | 72 | 05/31/2024 |
Scooby-Doo! Where Are You? #128 | Comic Books | 75 | 07/21/2024 |
Scooby-Doo! Where Are You? #129 | Comic Books | 78 | 10/22/2024 |
Scooby-Doo! Where Are You? #130 | Comic Books | 76 | 11/21/2024 |
Scooby-Doo! Where Are You? #131 | Comic Books | 74 | 11/17/2024 |
Scooby-Doo! Where Are You? #132 | Comic Books | 76 | 03/14/2025 |
Scooby Doo Who's Watching Who | PSP | 79 | 10/14/2007 |
Scooby Doo Who's Watching Who | Nintendo DS | 75 | 03/19/2008 |
Scotland Yard | Nintendo DS | 80 | 07/22/2011 |
Scrap Garden | PC | 74 | 07/22/2016 |
Scrapyard Dog | Atari Lynx | 79 | 09/03/2021 |
Scrapyard Dog | Evercade | 79 | 09/03/2021 |
ScreamRide | Xbox 360 | 75 | 09/02/2015 |
ScreamRide | Xbox One | 75 | 09/02/2015 |
Scribblenauts | Nintendo DS | 79 | 12/31/2011 |
Scribblenauts Remix | iPod Touch | 80 | 11/19/2011 |
Scribblenauts Showdown | Nintendo Switch | 69 | 02/20/2019 |
Scribblenauts Showdown | PS4 | 69 | 02/20/2019 |
Scribblenauts Showdown | Xbox One | 69 | 02/20/2019 |
Scribblenauts Unlimited | Nintendo 3DS | 86 | 12/07/2012 |
Scribblenauts Unlimited | Wii U | 88 | 12/07/2012 |
Scribblenauts Unmasked - A DC Comics Adventure | Nintendo 3DS | 85 | 09/28/2013 |
Scribblenauts Unmasked - A DC Comics Adventure | Wii U | 86 | 09/28/2013 |
Scripps Spelling Bee | Nintendo DS | 91 | 10/15/2010 |
Scurge Hive | Gameboy Advance | 59 | 05/15/2009 |
Scurge Hive | Nintendo DS | 59 | 05/15/2009 |
SD Battle Gundam Alliance | Nintendo Switch | 64 | 08/12/2023 |
SD Battle Gundam Alliance | PC | 64 | 08/12/2023 |
SD Battle Gundam Alliance | PS4 | 64 | 08/12/2023 |
SD Battle Gundam Alliance | PS5 | 64 | 08/12/2023 |
SD Battle Gundam Alliance | Xbox One | 64 | 08/12/2023 |
SD Battle Gundam Alliance | Xbox Series X | 64 | 08/12/2023 |
SDK Paint | Wii U | 69 | 11/08/2014 |
Sea Battle | Nintendo DSi | 76 | 04/26/2014 |
Sea of Thieves A Pirates Life | PC | 64 | 02/20/2022 |
Sea of Thieves A Pirates Life | Xbox One | 64 | 02/20/2022 |
Sea of Thieves A Pirates Life | Xbox Series X | 64 | 02/20/2022 |
Sea Monsters A Prehistoric Adventure | Wii | 73 | 10/11/2008 |
Sea Monsters A Prehistoric Adventure | PS2 | 73 | 10/11/2008 |
Sea of Thieves | PC | 62 | 03/01/2021 |
Sea of Thieves | Xbox One | 62 | 03/01/2021 |
Sea of Stars | Nintendo Switch | 70 | 03/11/2024 |
Sea of Stars | PC | 70 | 03/11/2024 |
Sea of Stars | PS4 | 70 | 03/11/2024 |
Sea of Stars | PS5 | 70 | 03/11/2024 |
Sea of Stars | Xbox One | 70 | 03/11/2024 |
Sea of Stars | Xbox Series X | 70 | 03/11/2024 |
Sea Stars | iPod Touch | 90 | 11/22/2011 |
Seal Force | iPod Touch | 76 | 12/24/2011 |
Seasons After Fall | PS4 | 78 | 05/15/2017 |
Seasons After Fall | Xbox One | 78 | 05/15/2017 |
Secret Files Tunguska | Nintendo DS | 53 | 02/27/2014 |
Secret of the Wings | Blu-ray | 87 | 10/14/2012 |
Secret of the Wings | DVD | 87 | 10/14/2012 |
Secret Invasion Season 1 | Disney+ | 57 | 07/31/2024 |
Secretariat | Blu-ray | 86 | 01/14/2011 |
Secretariat | DVD | 86 | 01/14/2011 |
Security Hole | PC | 56 | 09/28/2016 |
Seed 2 Vortex of War | iPod Touch | 69 | 09/21/2010 |
Seed of Life | PC | 71 | 08/25/2021 |
Seeds of Resilience | Nintendo Switch | 85 | 06/26/2020 |
Seeds of Resilience | PC | 85 | 06/26/2020 |
Sega 3D Classic Collection | Nintendo 3DS | 62 | 03/25/2017 |
Sega Bass Fishing | Wii | 91 | 03/21/2008 |
Sega Genesis Collection | PS2 | 70 | 02/21/2008 |
Sega Rally Online Arcade | PS3 | 83 | 05/21/2011 |
Sega Rally Online Arcade | Xbox 360 | 83 | 05/21/2011 |
Sega Superstars Tennis | PS2 | 67 | 04/30/2012 |
Sega Superstars Tennis | PS3 | 67 | 04/30/2012 |
Sega Superstars Tennis | Wii | 67 | 04/30/2012 |
Sega Superstars Tennis | Xbox 360 | 67 | 04/30/2012 |
Sesame Street Abby and Friends P is for Princess | DVD | 73 | 07/24/2010 |
Sesame Street ABC & 123 | NES | 94 | 08/13/2019 |
Sesame Street Alphabet Songs | DVD | 73 | 05/12/2014 |
Sesame Street Big Bird’s Hide and Speak | NES | 91 | 01/21/2018 |
Sesame Street Cookie's Counting Carnival The Videogame | Nintendo DS | 88 | 06/14/2015 |
Sesame Street Cookie's Counting Carnival The Video Game | Wii | 76 | 12/19/2015 |
Sesame Street Count on Elmo | DVD | 76 | 07/17/2015 |
Sesame Street Countdown | NES | 90 | 08/02/2019 |
Sesame Street Elmo and Friends The Letter Quest and Other Magical Tales | DVD | 70 | 10/23/2010 |
Sesame Street Elmo's Musical Monsterpiece The Video Game | Nintendo DS | 92 | 06/25/2012 |
Sesame Street Elmo's Musical Monsterpiece The Video Game | Wii | 94 | 06/25/2012 |
Sesame Street Once Upon a Monster | Xbox 360 | 95 | 10/29/2011 |
Sesame Street Ready Set Grover | Wii | 95 | 08/05/2011 |
Severance Season 1 | Apple TV+ | 59 | 02/03/2025 |
SGU Stargate Universe The Complete Final Season | DVD | 57 | 04/08/2013 |
SGU Stargate Universe The Complete First Season | DVD | 60 | 07/03/2012 |
Shadow & Bone Season One | Netflix | 53 | 05/30/2021 |
Shadow & Bone Season Two | Netflix | 51 | 07/23/2023 |
Shadow of Loot Box | Nintendo Switch | 60 | 11/11/2018 |
Shadow of Loot Box | PS4 | 60 | 11/11/2018 |
Shadow of Loot Box | Xbox One | 60 | 11/11/2018 |
Shadow of the Colossus | PS4 | 56 | 03/11/2019 |
Shadow Hearts | PS2 | 68 | 02/18/2008 |
Shadow Ranch | iPod Touch | 85 | 03/13/2011 |
Shadow the Hedgehog | Gamecube | 59 | 06/19/2009 |
Shadow the Hedgehog | PS2 | 59 | 06/19/2009 |
Shadow the Hedgehog | Xbox | 59 | 06/19/2009 |
Shadowgate | PC | 56 | 08/22/2014 |
Shadowhand | PC | 60 | 12/14/2017 |
Shadowrun | PC | 50 | 08/12/2010 |
Shadowrun | Xbox 360 | 50 | 08/12/2010 |
Shadowrun Chronicles Boston Lockdown | PC | 50 | 05/03/2017 |
Shang-Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings | Disney+ | 60 | 10/18/2022 |
Shang-Chi and the Ten Rings #140 | Comic Books | 65 | 12/12/2024 |
Shang-Chi and the Ten Rings #141 | Comic Books | 64 | 01/06/2025 |
Shantae and the Pirates Curse | Nintendo 3DS | 65 | 01/04/2018 |
Shantae Half-Genie Hero | PS Vita | 67 | 12/24/2016 |
Shantae Half-Genie Hero | PS4 | 67 | 12/24/2016 |
Shantae Half-Genie Hero | Wii U | 67 | 12/24/2016 |
Shantae Half-Genie Hero Ultimate Edition | Nintendo Switch | 69 | 01/13/2020 |
Shantae Half-Genie Hero Ultimate Edition | PC | 69 | 01/13/2020 |
Shantae Half-Genie Hero Ultimate Edition | PS4 | 69 | 01/13/2020 |
Shantae Half-Genie Hero Ultimate Edition | Xbox One | 69 | 01/13/2020 |
Shape Up | Xbox One | 81 | 11/15/2014 |
Shapes Builder | iPad | 84 | 04/09/2016 |
Shapes Builder | iPhone | 84 | 04/09/2016 |
Shards of Time | iPad | 69 | 11/17/2012 |
Shaq Fu A Legend Reborn | Nintendo Switch | 40 | 04/22/2020 |
Shaq Fu A Legend Reborn | PC | 40 | 04/22/2020 |
Shaq Fu A Legend Reborn | PS4 | 40 | 04/22/2020 |
Shaq Fu A Legend Reborn | Xbox One | 40 | 04/22/2020 |
Shamu's Deep Sea Adventures | Gamecube | 70 | 06/12/2020 |
Shamu's Deep Sea Adventures | PS2 | 70 | 06/12/2020 |
Shamu's Deep Sea Adventures | Xbox | 70 | 06/12/2020 |
Shark Dash | iPod Touch | 89 | 04/27/2012 |
Shark Tale | Gamecube | 54 | 05/17/2019 |
Shark Tale | PS2 | 54 | 05/17/2019 |
Shark Tale | Xbox | 54 | 05/17/2019 |
Shark Week Jawsome Encounter | DVD | 70 | 06/04/2016 |
Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure | Blu-ray | 86 | 04/12/2011 |
Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure | DVD | 86 | 04/12/2011 |
Shaun the Sheep Animal Antics | DVD | 81 | 05/30/2017 |
Shaun The Sheep Movie | Blu-ray | 81 | 11/09/2015 |
Shaun The Sheep Movie | DVD | 81 | 11/09/2015 |
Shaun the Sheep Fleece Lightning | iPad | 88 | 04/23/2012 |
Shaun the Sheep Fleece Lightning | iPod Touch | 88 | 04/23/2012 |
Shaun the Sheep Season 2 | DVD | 83 | 10/14/2021 |
Shaun the Sheep Seasons 3 & 4 | DVD | 85 | 01/29/2017 |
Shaun the Sheep The Farmer's Llamas | DVD | 83 | 05/30/2016 |
Shaun the Sheep We Wish Ewe A Merry Christmas | DVD | 80 | 10/24/2016 |
Shazam | DVD | 72 | 08/08/2020 |
Shazam Fury of the gods | DVD | 70 | 12/27/2023 |
She Hulk Season One | Disney+ | 50 | 11/25/2022 |
Sheeple Chase | iPod Touch | 77 | 01/16/2011 |
Shelby | DVD | 80 | 10/25/2015 |
Shelter | PC | 72 | 08/28/2013 |
Shelter 2 | PC | 73 | 03/09/2015 |
Shelter Generations | Nintendo Switch | 79 | 07/19/2018 |
Shenmue 1 & 2 | PC | 52 | 04/10/2020 |
Shenmue 1 & 2 | PS4 | 52 | 04/10/2020 |
Shenmue 1 & 2 | Xbox One | 52 | 04/10/2020 |
Shepherd's Crossing | PS2 | 69 | 01/22/2016 |
Sheriff Callie's Wild West Howdy Partner | DVD | 80 | 10/17/2015 |
Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of Osborne House | Nintendo DS | 60 | 11/06/2013 |
Shift DX | Nintendo 3DS | 71 | 01/15/2017 |
Shifting World | Nintendo 3DS | 90 | 04/28/2012 |
Shimmer and Shine Glitter Magic | DVD | 71 | 07/23/2020 |
Shimmer and Shine Magical Mischief | DVD | 72 | 01/25/2021 |
Shining Force | Genesis | 90 | 02/12/2012 |
Shining Force | iPod Touch | 90 | 02/12/2012 |
Shining Force EXA | PS2 | 50 | 05/04/2016 |
Shining Force Neo | PS2 | 49 | 06/29/2014 |
Shining Resonance Refrain | Nintendo Switch | 59 | 01/10/2020 |
Shining Resonance Refrain | PC | 59 | 01/10/2020 |
Shining Resonance Refrain | PS4 | 59 | 01/10/2020 |
Shining Resonance Refrain | Xbox One | 59 | 01/10/2020 |
Shinobi | Nintendo 3DS | 50 | 04/16/2013 |
Shinobi III | Genesis | 60 | 01/02/2014 |
Ship Graveyard Simulator 2 | PC | 66 | 11/12/2023 |
Ships 2017 | PC | 70 | 10/23/2016 |
SHOCK TROOPERS | PS3 | 59 | 09/04/2011 |
SHOCK TROOPERS | PSP | 59 | 09/04/2011 |
ShootMania Storm | PC | 78 | 04/15/2013 |
Shoppe Keep | PC | 65 | 02/16/2018 |
Shoppe Keep | PS4 | 65 | 02/16/2018 |
Shoppe Keep | Xbox One | 65 | 02/16/2018 |
Shopping Tycoon | PC | 64 | 09/12/2017 |
Shovel Knight | PC | 71 | 06/26/2014 |
Shovel Knight | Wii U | 71 | 06/26/2014 |
Shovel Knight Specter of Torment | Nintendo Switch | 69 | 03/08/2017 |
Shovel Knight Treasure Trove | Nintendo Switch | 72 | 12/19/2019 |
Shovel Knight Treasure Trove | PC | 72 | 12/19/2019 |
Shovel Knight Treasure Trove | PS4 | 72 | 12/19/2019 |
Shovel Knight Treasure Trove | Xbox One | 72 | 12/19/2019 |
Shred It! | PS4 | 81 | 04/29/2017 |
Shredders | PC | 75 | 06/29/2022 |
Shredders | Xbox Series X | 75 | 06/29/2022 |
Shrek Forever After | Nintendo DS | 83 | 06/08/2010 |
Shrek Forever After | Wii | 79 | 06/16/2010 |
Shrek Forever After | PC | 79 | 06/16/2010 |
Shrek Forever After | PS3 | 79 | 06/16/2010 |
Shrek Forever After | Xbox 360 | 79 | 06/16/2010 |
Shrek's Carnival Craze Party Games | Nintendo DS | 56 | 02/05/2014 |
Shu | PS4 | 70 | 10/10/2016 |
Shut the Box | Wii U | 63 | 08/08/2014 |
Sid Meier's Civilization Beyond Earth | PC | 79 | 08/09/2018 |
Sid Meier's Pirates | Wii | 51 | 12/21/2014 |
Siegecraft Commander | PC | 60 | 01/17/2017 |
Siegecraft Commander | PS4 | 60 | 01/17/2017 |
Siegecraft Commander | Xbox One | 60 | 01/17/2017 |
Siesta Fiesta | Nintendo 3DS | 84 | 07/24/2014 |
Sigma Star Saga | GBA | 50 | 08/24/2014 |
Silent Hope | Nintendo Switch | 66 | 07/07/2024 |
Silent Hope | PC | 66 | 07/07/2024 |
Silent Valley Mystery Mansion | iPad | 67 | 10/31/2013 |
Silly Bandz The Game | iPod Touch | 89 | 12/25/2010 |
Silo Season 1 | Apple TV+ | 54 | 12/25/2024 |
Silver Surfer #1 | Comic Books | 63 | 10/05/2024 |
Silver Surfer Rebirth #1 | Comic Books | 68 | 12/01/2024 |
Silver Surfer Rebirth #2 | Comic Books | 69 | 01/04/2024 |
Silverlicious | Nintendo DS | 81 | 03/04/2012 |
Silvester Adventure | iPod Touch | 81 | 01/08/2012 |
SimAnimals Africa | Nintendo DS | 76 | 11/02/2009 |
SimAnimals Africa | Wii | 86 | 11/02/2009 |
SimCity | PC | 80 | 03/19/2013 |
SimCity Creator | Wii | 81 | 12/31/2013 |
Simple Life | iPad | 76 | 01/31/2012 |
Simple Life | iPod Touch | 76 | 01/31/2012 |
SING | DVD | 80 | 04/17/2017 |
Sing 2 | DVD | 83 | 01/04/2023 |
Sing 4 The Hits Edition | Wii | 76 | 12/04/2011 |
Sing Party | Wii U | 59 | 09/14/2014 |
Sinister City Vampire Adventure | iPad | 63 | 07/20/2012 |
Sir Tincan Adventures in the Castle | Nintendo Switch | 74 | 07/25/2021 |
Skate Bird | Nintendo Switch | 63 | 05/18/2022 |
Skate Bird | PC | 63 | 05/18/2022 |
Skate Bird | PS4 | 63 | 05/18/2022 |
Skater Cat | Nintendo 3DS | 78 | 03/31/2014 |
Skater XL | Nintendo Switch | 65 | 06/23/2022 |
Skater XL | PC | 65 | 06/23/2022 |
Skater XL | PS4 | 65 | 06/23/2022 |
Skater XL | Xbox One | 65 | 06/23/2022 |
Ski Hard Lorsbruck 1978 | PC | 50 | 02/11/2018 |
Ski Jumping 2011 | iPod Touch | 89 | 12/25/2010 |
Ski Jumping 2012 | iPod Touch | 88 | 01/10/2012 |
Ski Jumping Pro | iPod Touch | 90 | 01/31/2013 |
Ski Jumping Pro VR | PC VR | 66 | 12/13/2019 |
Ski Jumping Pro VR | PS4 VR | 66 | 12/13/2019 |
Skydive Proximity Flight | Xbox 360 | 74 | 03/26/2014 |
Skyfall | DVD | 60 | 04/10/2022 |
Skylanders Battlecast | iPad | 62 | 05/29/2016 |
Skylanders Battlecast | iPhone | 62 | 05/29/2016 |
Skylanders Giants | Nintendo 3DS | 84 | 10/29/2012 |
Skylanders Giants | PS3 | 89 | 10/29/2012 |
Skylanders Giants | Wii | 89 | 10/29/2012 |
Skylanders Giants | Wii U | 88 | 12/03/2012 |
Skylanders Giants | Xbox 360 | 89 | 10/29/2012 |
Skylanders Imaginators | PS3 | 87 | 10/31/2016 |
Skylanders Imaginators | PS4 | 87 | 10/31/2016 |
Skylanders Imaginators | Wii U | 87 | 10/31/2016 |
Skylanders Imaginators | Xbox 360 | 87 | 10/31/2016 |
Skylanders Imaginators | Xbox One | 87 | 10/31/2016 |
Skylanders Lost Islands | iPad | 51 | 04/06/2014 |
Skylanders Lost Islands | iPhone | 51 | 04/06/2014 |
Skylanders Spyro's Adventure | Nintendo 3DS | 81 | 11/13/2011 |
Skylanders Spyro's Adventure | PC | 82 | 11/13/2011 |
Skylanders Spyro's Adventure | PS3 | 82 | 11/13/2011 |
Skylanders Spyro's Adventure | Wii | 82 | 11/13/2011 |
Skylanders Spyro's Adventure | Xbox 360 | 82 | 11/13/2011 |
Skylanders Superchargers Racing Starter Pack | Nintendo 3DS | 86 | 09/28/2015 |
Skylanders Superchargers Starter Pack | PS3 | 85 | 09/28/2015 |
Skylanders Superchargers Starter Pack | PS4 | 85 | 09/28/2015 |
Skylanders Superchargers Starter Pack | Wii U | 85 | 09/28/2015 |
Skylanders Superchargers Starter Pack | Xbox 360 | 85 | 09/28/2015 |
Skylanders Superchargers Starter Pack | Xbox One | 85 | 09/28/2015 |
Skylanders SWAP Force | Nintendo 3DS | 83 | 10/18/2013 |
Skylanders SWAP Force | PS3 | 85 | 10/18/2013 |
Skylanders SWAP Force | Wii | 85 | 10/18/2013 |
Skylanders SWAP Force | Wii U | 85 | 10/18/2013 |
Skylanders SWAP Force | Xbox 360 | 85 | 10/18/2013 |
Skylanders Swap Force Sheep Wreck Island | PS3 | 74 | 05/02/2016 |
Skylanders Swap Force Sheep Wreck Island | Wii | 74 | 05/02/2016 |
Skylanders Swap Force Sheep Wreck Island | Wii U | 74 | 05/02/2016 |
Skylanders Swap Force Sheep Wreck Island | Xbox 360 | 74 | 05/02/2016 |
Skylanders Trap Team | Nintendo 3DS | 85 | 10/17/2014 |
Skylanders Trap Team | PS3 | 84 | 10/09/2014 |
Skylanders Trap Team | PS4 | 84 | 10/09/2014 |
Skylanders Trap Team | Wii | 84 | 10/09/2014 |
Skylanders Trap Team | Wii U | 84 | 10/09/2014 |
Skylanders Trap Team | Xbox 360 | 84 | 10/09/2014 |
Skylanders Trap Team | Xbox One | 84 | 10/09/2014 |
Skylanders Trap Team Dark Element Expansion Pack | PS3 | 76 | 12/22/2014 |
Skylanders Trap Team Dark Element Expansion Pack | PS4 | 76 | 12/22/2014 |
Skylanders Trap Team Dark Element Expansion Pack | Wii | 76 | 12/22/2014 |
Skylanders Trap Team Dark Element Expansion Pack | Wii U | 76 | 12/22/2014 |
Skylanders Trap Team Dark Element Expansion Pack | Xbox 360 | 76 | 12/22/2014 |
Skylanders Trap Team Dark Element Expansion Pack | Xbox One | 76 | 12/22/2014 |
Skylanders Trap Team Light Element Expansion Pack | PS3 | 80 | 12/22/2014 |
Skylanders Trap Team Light Element Expansion Pack | PS4 | 80 | 12/22/2014 |
Skylanders Trap Team Light Element Expansion Pack | Wii | 80 | 12/22/2014 |
Skylanders Trap Team Light Element Expansion Pack | Wii U | 80 | 12/22/2014 |
Skylanders Trap Team Light Element Expansion Pack | Xbox 360 | 80 | 12/22/2014 |
Skylanders Trap Team Light Element Expansion Pack | Xbox One | 80 | 12/22/2014 |
Skylanders Trap Team Nightmare Express Adventure Pack | PS3 | 79 | 01/05/2015 |
Skylanders Trap Team Nightmare Express Adventure Pack | PS4 | 79 | 01/05/2015 |
Skylanders Trap Team Nightmare Express Adventure Pack | Wii | 79 | 01/05/2015 |
Skylanders Trap Team Nightmare Express Adventure Pack | Wii U | 79 | 01/05/2015 |
Skylanders Trap Team Nightmare Express Adventure Pack | Xbox 360 | 79 | 01/05/2015 |
Skylanders Trap Team Nightmare Express Adventure Pack | Xbox One | 79 | 01/05/2015 |
Skylar & Plux Adventure on Clover Island | PC | 72 | 05/26/2017 |
Skylar & Plux Adventure on Clover Island | PS4 | 72 | 05/26/2017 |
Skylar & Plux Adventure on Clover Island | Xbox One | 72 | 05/26/2017 |
Skypeace | Nintendo 3DS | 80 | 06/28/2014 |
Skypeace | Nintendo Switch | 78 | 05/03/2018 |
Skyscraper | Blu-ray | 54 | 02/18/2019 |
Skyscraper | DVD | 54 | 02/18/2019 |
Sledge Hammer The Complete Series | DVD | 71 | 12/03/2017 |
Slide Stars | Nintendo Switch | 70 | 11/24/2020 |
Slide Stars | PC | 70 | 11/24/2020 |
Slide Stars | PS4 | 70 | 11/24/2020 |
Slide Stars | Xbox One | 70 | 11/24/2020 |
Slime Rancher | PC | 90 | 03/19/2018 |
Slime Rancher | Xbox One | 90 | 03/19/2018 |
Slime Rancher 2 | PC | 80 | 06/24/2023 |
Slime Rancher 2 | Xbox Series X | 80 | 06/24/2023 |
Slugterra Ghoul from Beyond | DVD | 77 | 05/25/2014 |
Slugterra Heroes of the Underground | DVD | 82 | 02/22/2014 |
SlugTerra Return of the Shane Gang | DVD | 78 | 02/08/2013 |
SlugTerra Slug Power | DVD | 81 | 09/01/2013 |
SlugTerra Slugs Unleashed | DVD | 80 | 06/14/2013 |
Sly Collection | PS3 | 67 | 11/17/2010 |
Sly Cooper Thieves in Time | PS3 | 65 | 11/12/2013 |
Sly Fox | iPad | 75 | 07/22/2012 |
Sly Fox | iPod Touch | 75 | 07/22/2012 |
Smallville Season One | DVD | 70 | 12/31/2009 |
Smallville Season Two | DVD | 69 | 01/24/2010 |
Smallville Season Three | DVD | 67 | 04/24/2012 |
Smallville Season Four | DVD | 63 | 01/03/2014 |
Smallville Season Five | DVD | 58 | 02/12/2016 |
Smallville Season Six | DVD | 53 | 04/03/2016 |
Smallville Season Seven | DVD | 56 | 04/01/2016 |
Smallville Season Eight | DVD | 61 | 07/31/2010 |
Smallville Season Nine | DVD | 59 | 11/28/2011 |
Smallville Season Ten | DVD | 61 | 01/03/2013 |
Smart Adventures - Mission Math | Wii U | 80 | 03/01/2016 |
Smart As | PS Vita | 75 | 03/04/2015 |
Smart Bomb | PSP | 71 | 05/09/2010 |
Smart Girl's Playhouse Mini | Nintendo DSi | 84 | 11/12/2012 |
Smash Bowling 3D | Nintendo 3DS | 89 | 08/10/2013 |
Smashbox Arena | PS4 VR | 64 | 07/30/2017 |
Smash Cat Heroes | Nintendo 3DS | 70 | 05/03/2014 |
Smash Court Tennis 3 | PSP | 86 | 07/21/2007 |
Smash Court Tennis 3 | Xbox 360 | 68 | 12/14/2010 |
Smoots World Cup Tennis | PC | 69 | 04/11/2019 |
Smoots World Cup Tennis | Xbox One | 69 | 04/11/2019 |
Smurf Racer | Playstation | 77 | 06/29/2019 |
Smurfs #1 | Comic Books | 81 | 05/30/2023 |
Smurfs Kart | Nintendo Switch | 70 | 01/22/2024 |
Smurfs Kart | PC | 70 | 01/22/2024 |
Smurfs Kart | PS4 | 70 | 01/22/2024 |
Smurfs Kart | PS5 | 70 | 01/22/2024 |
Smurfs Kart | Xbox One | 70 | 01/22/2024 |
Smurfs Kart | Xbox Series X | 70 | 01/22/2024 |
Smurfs The Lost Village | Blu-ray | 90 | 01/01/2018 |
Smurfs The Lost Village | DVD | 90 | 01/01/2018 |
Snail Bob | iPod Touch | 88 | 10/07/2012 |
Snail Bob 2 | PC | 90 | 09/24/2015 |
Snake Eyes G.I. Joe Origins | DVD | 50 | 12/03/2021 |
Snake Pass | Nintendo Switch | 77 | 03/30/2017 |
Snake Pass | PC | 77 | 03/30/2017 |
Snake Pass | PS4 | 77 | 03/30/2017 |
Snake Pass | Xbox One | 77 | 03/30/2017 |
Snakeball | PS3 | 85 | 12/28/2011 |
Sneak King | Xbox | 65 | 02/24/2008 |
Sneak King | Xbox 360 | 65 | 02/24/2008 |
Sneezeman Escape from Planet Sneeze | iPod Touch | 68 | 12/01/2012 |
Sneezies | iPod Touch | 90 | 12/04/2011 |
Snipperclips Plus Cut It Out, Together! | Nintendo Switch | 65 | 10/23/2018 |
Snood | Gameboy Color | 90 | 04/01/2023 |
Snood 2 on vacation | Nintendo DS | 88 | 03/16/2007 |
Snooker 19 | Nintendo Switch | 72 | 04/22/2019 |
Snooker 19 | PC | 72 | 04/22/2019 |
Snooker 19 | PS4 | 72 | 04/22/2019 |
Snooker 19 | Xbox One | 72 | 04/22/2019 |
Snoopy Beagle Scout Adventures FCBD 2024 | Comic Books | 90 | 07/06/2024 |
Snoopy Coaster | iPod Touch | 85 | 03/22/2013 |
Snoopy's Grand Adventure | Nintendo 3DS | 78 | 01/07/2016 |
Snow Bros. Nick & Tom Special | Nintendo Switch | 72 | 12/21/2023 |
Snow Moto Racing 3D | Nintendo 3DS | 80 | 10/20/2013 |
Snow Moto Racing Freedom | PC | 76 | 04/12/2017 |
Snow Moto Racing Freedom | PS4 | 76 | 04/12/2017 |
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs | Blu-ray | 91 | 02/01/2016 |
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs | DVD | 91 | 02/01/2016 |
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Diamond Edition | Blu-ray | 93 | 10/01/2009 |
Snowball Run | iPod Touch | 78 | 08/08/2011 |
Snowboard Party 2 | iPad | 76 | 11/30/2015 |
Snowboard Party 2 | iPhone | 76 | 11/30/2015 |
Snowboard Xtreme | Nintendo DSi | 82 | 01/12/2013 |
Snowpiercer The Complete First Season | DVD | 39 | 01/27/2022 |
Soap Opera Dash | PC | 88 | 12/20/2010 |
Soccer Bashi | PC | 89 | 02/24/2011 |
Soccer Bashi | PS3 | 89 | 02/24/2011 |
Soccer Bashi | PSP | 89 | 02/24/2011 |
Soccer Bashi | Wii | 89 | 02/24/2011 |
Soccer Mania | PS2 | 75 | 05/28/2014 |
Soccer Up 3D | Nintendo 3DS | 82 | 04/14/2013 |
Soccer, Tactics & Glory | Nintendo Switch | 81 | 01/29/2020 |
Soccer, Tactics & Glory | PC | 81 | 01/29/2020 |
Soccer, Tactics & Glory | PS4 | 81 | 01/29/2020 |
Soccer, Tactics & Glory | Xbox One | 81 | 01/29/2020 |
Sociable Soccer 24 | Nintendo Switch | 80 | 09/22/2024 |
Soda Drinker Pro | Xbox One | 48 | 04/14/2016 |
Sofia the First Holiday in Enchancia | DVD | 69 | 01/18/2015 |
Sofia the First Ready to be a Princess | DVD | 82 | 09/09/2013 |
Sofia the First The Enchanted Feast | DVD | 75 | 07/30/2014 |
Sofia the First The Floating Palace | DVD | 77 | 04/05/2014 |
Sofia the First The Secret Library | DVD | 72 | 06/11/2016 |
Sokomania 2 | Nintendo DSi | 79 | 05/12/2014 |
Solar Flux | Nintendo Switch | 75 | 12/18/2018 |
Solar Warfare | iPod Touch | 69 | 09/29/2012 |
Solaris | Atari 2600 | 72 | 03/31/2022 |
Solaris | Evercade | 72 | 03/31/2022 |
SolaRola | iPod Touch | 83 | 07/30/2012 |
Solatorobo Red the Hunter | Nintendo DS | 79 | 10/08/2011 |
Soldam Drop Connect Erase | Nintendo Switch | 73 | 07/27/2018 |
Solo | PC | 55 | 03/31/2018 |
Solo A Star Wars Story | Blu-ray | 78 | 09/28/2018 |
Solomon Says Bible Trivia Volume One: Anything Goes | PC | 92 | 07/22/2006 |
Son of Batman | DVD | 46 | 09/20/2015 |
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed | Nintendo 3DS | 94 | 02/16/2013 |
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed | PS3 | 84 | 11/30/2012 |
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed | Xbox 360 | 84 | 11/30/2012 |
Sonic & Knuckles | Genesis | 82 | 12/29/2013 |
Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing | PC | 79 | 12/26/2010 |
Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing | PS3 | 79 | 12/26/2010 |
Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing | Wii | 79 | 12/26/2010 |
Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing | Xbox 360 | 79 | 12/26/2010 |
Sonic 3D Blast | Genesis | 48 | 01/12/2014 |
Sonic Advance 3 | Gameboy Advance | 88 | 08/10/2008 |
Sonic and the Black Knight | Wii | 87 | 12/31/2010 |
Sonic and the Secret Rings | Wii | 90 | 02/20/2007 |
Sonic Boom Fire & Ice | Nintendo 3DS | 80 | 11/21/2016 |
Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric | Wii U | 85 | 11/21/2014 |
Sonic Boom Shattered Crystal | Nintendo 3DS | 74 | 11/21/2014 |
Sonic CD | PC | 89 | 12/25/2011 |
Sonic CD | PS3 | 89 | 12/25/2011 |
Sonic CD | Xbox 360 | 89 | 12/25/2011 |
Sonic Chronicles The Dark Brotherhood | Nintendo DS | 77 | 07/20/2011 |
Sonic Colors | Nintendo DS | 88 | 11/19/2010 |
Sonic Colors | Wii | 90 | 11/20/2010 |
Sonic Colors Ultimate | Nintendo Switch | 92 | 05/16/2022 |
Sonic Colors Ultimate | PC | 92 | 05/16/2022 |
Sonic Colors Ultimate | PS4 | 92 | 05/16/2022 |
Sonic Colors Ultimate | Xbox One | 92 | 05/16/2022 |
Sonic Dash | iPad | 60 | 10/12/2013 |
Sonic Dash | iPod Touch | 60 | 10/12/2013 |
Sonic Free Riders | Xbox 360 | 85 | 11/11/2010 |
Sonic Forces | Nintendo Switch | 90 | 06/23/2018 |
Sonic Forces | PC | 90 | 06/23/2018 |
Sonic Forces | PS4 | 90 | 06/23/2018 |
Sonic Forces | Xbox One | 90 | 06/23/2018 |
Sonic Frontiers | Nintendo Switch | 80 | 06/17/2023 |
Sonic Frontiers | PC | 80 | 06/17/2023 |
Sonic Frontiers | PS4 | 80 | 06/17/2023 |
Sonic Frontiers | PS5 | 80 | 06/17/2023 |
Sonic Frontiers | Xbox One | 80 | 06/17/2023 |
Sonic Frontiers | Xbox Series X | 80 | 06/17/2023 |
Sonic Generations | Nintendo 3DS | 92 | 09/22/2013 |
Sonic Generations | PC | 92 | 12/23/2010 |
Sonic Generations | PS3 | 92 | 12/23/2010 |
Sonic Generations | Xbox 360 | 92 | 12/23/2010 |
Sonic Lost World | Nintendo 3DS | 88 | 11/03/2013 |
Sonic Lost World | Wii U | 91 | 11/03/2013 |
Sonic Mania Plus | Nintendo Switch | 64 | 07/19/2019 |
Sonic Mania Plus | PC | 64 | 07/19/2019 |
Sonic Mania Plus | PS4 | 64 | 07/19/2019 |
Sonic Mania Plus | Xbox One | 64 | 07/19/2019 |
Sonic Prime Season One | Netflix | 75 | 02/14/2023 |
Sonic Prime Season Two | Netflix | 74 | 10/27/2023 |
Sonic Prime Season Three | Netflix | 74 | 02/18/2024 |
Sonic Riders | Gamecube | 71 | 12/31/2007 |
Sonic Riders | PC | 71 | 12/31/2007 |
Sonic Riders | PS2 | 71 | 12/31/2007 |
Sonic Riders | Xbox | 71 | 12/31/2007 |
Sonic Rivals 2 | PSP | 69 | 01/23/2011 |
Sonic Rush | Nintendo DS | 87 | 04/18/2007 |
Sonic Spinball | Genesis | 85 | 04/01/2013 |
Sonic the Hedegehog 4 Episode I | iPod Touch | 87 | 09/24/2012 |
Sonic the Hedgehog | Blu-ray | 90 | 05/10/2020 |
Sonic the Hedgehog | DVD | 90 | 05/10/2020 |
Sonic the Hedgehog | Didj | 90 | 02/27/2009 |
Sonic The Hedgehog | Game Gear | 71 | 11/06/2016 |
Sonic the Hedgehog | Gameboy Advance | 90 | 09/09/2012 |
Sonic the Hedgehog | Genesis | 90 | 09/09/2012 |
Sonic the Hedgehog | PS3 | 60 | 12/07/2007 |
Sonic the Hedgehog | Xbox 360 | 60 | 12/07/2007 |
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 | Game Gear | 80 | 07/06/2016 |
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 | Gameboy Advance | 90 | 12/10/2012 |
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 | Genesis | 90 | 12/10/2012 |
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 | Paramount+ | 92 | 05/31/2022 |
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 | Gameboy Advance | 92 | 12/25/2012 |
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 | Genesis | 92 | 12/25/2012 |
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode I | PS3 | 87 | 09/24/2012 |
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode I | Wii | 87 | 09/24/2012 |
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode I | Xbox 360 | 87 | 09/24/2012 |
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode II | iPad | 90 | 05/18/2012 |
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode II | iPod Touch | 90 | 05/18/2012 |
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode II | PS3 | 90 | 05/18/2012 |
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode II | Xbox 360 | 90 | 05/18/2012 |
Sonic the Hedgehog #8 | Comic Books | 80 | 04/06/2023 |
Sonic The Hedgehog #41 | Comic Books | 85 | 08/14/2022 |
Sonic The Hedgehog #44 | Comic Books | 86 | 08/17/2022 |
Sonic The Hedgehog #47 | Comic Book | 87 | 07/19/2022 |
Sonic The Hedgehog #48 | Comic Book | 69 | 04/26/2023 |
Sonic The Hedgehog #49 | Comic Book | 89 | 07/31/2022 |
Sonic The Hedgehog #50 | Comic Book | 86 | 10/29/2022 |
Sonic The Hedgehog #51 | Comic Book | 87 | 11/01/2022 |
Sonic The Hedgehog #52 | Comic Books | 85 | 11/15/2022 |
Sonic The Hedgehog #53 | Comic Books | 85 | 12/27/2022 |
Sonic The Hedgehog #54 | Comic Books | 83 | 01/13/2023 |
Sonic The Hedgehog #55 | Comic Books | 81 | 02/07/2023 |
Sonic The Hedgehog #56 | Comic Books | 77 | 03/12/2023 |
Sonic The Hedgehog #57 | Comic Books | 76 | 04/12/2023 |
Sonic The Hedgehog #58 | Comic Books | 76 | 05/13/2023 |
Sonic The Hedgehog #59 | Comic Books | 78 | 07/12/2023 |
Sonic The Hedgehog #60 | Comic Books | 75 | 07/17/2023 |
Sonic the Hedgehog #61 | Comic Books | 74 | 08/09/2023 |
Sonic the Hedgehog #62 | Comic Books | 77 | 10/02/2023 |
Sonic the Hedgehog #63 | Comic Books | 75 | 10/10/2023 |
Sonic The Hedgehog #64 | Comic Books | 75 | 11/18/2023 |
Sonic The Hedgehog #65 | Comic Books | 72 | 12/20/2023 |
Sonic The Hedgehog #66 | Comic Books | 73 | 01/17/2024 |
Sonic The Hedgehog #67 | Comic Books | 73 | 02/11/2024 |
Sonic The Hedgehog #68 | Comic Books | 80 | 03/01/2024 |
Sonic The Hedgehog #69 | Comic Books | 78 | 07/21/2024 |
Sonic The Hedgehog #70 | Comic Books | 77 | 08/18/2024 |
Sonic The Hedgehog #71 | Comic Books | 76 | 09/19/2024 |
Sonic The Hedgehog #72 | Comic Books | 74 | 10/19/2024 |
Sonic The Hedgehog #73 | Comic Books | 77 | 10/28/2024 |
Sonic The Hedgehog #74 | Comic Books | 77 | 12/24/2024 |
Sonic The Hedgehog #75 | Comic Books | 78 | 01/22/2025 |
Sonic The Hedgehog #76 | Comic Books | 74 | 03/11/2025 |
Sonic The Hedgehog #207 | Comic Books | 76 | 03/25/2024 |
Sonic The Hedgehog #229 | Comic Books | 76 | 03/21/2024 |
Sonic The Hedgehog #238 | Comic Books | 75 | 04/18/2024 |
Sonic The Hedgehog #241 | Comic Books | 77 | 11/01/2023 |
Sonic The Hedgehog #257 | Comic Books | 78 | 05/24/2024 |
Sonic The Hedgehog Annual 2024 | Comic Books | 77 | 11/20/2024 |
Sonic the Hedgehog FCBD | Comic Books | 78 | 05/21/2022 |
Sonic The Hedgehog Scrapnik Island #1 | Comic Books | 80 | 01/16/2023 |
Sonic The Hedgehog Scrapnik Island #2 | Comic Books | 79 | 02/13/2023 |
Sonic The Hedgehog Scrapnik Island #3 | Comic Books | 77 | 02/20/2023 |
Sonic The Hedgehog Scrapnik Island #4 | Comic Books | 76 | 04/15/2023 |
Sonic the Hedgehog Pocket Adventure | Neo Geo Pocket | 79 | 05/27/2013 |
Sonic Universe #12 | Comic Books | 74 | 02/26/2024 |
Sonic Universe #43 | Comic Books | 76 | 03/19/2024 |
Sonic Universe #46 | Comic Books | 76 | 03/23/2024 |
Sonic Universe #59 | Comic Books | 76 | 10/30/2023 |
Sonic Universe #60 | Comic Books | 75 | 06/13/2024 |
Sonic Universe #61 | Comic Books | 75 | 06/18/2024 |
Sonic Universe #67 | Comic Books | 75 | 06/03/2023 |
Sonic Universe #68 | Comic Books | 74 | 06/06/2023 |
Sonic Universe #70 | Comic Books | 75 | 06/11/2023 |
Sonic Unleashed | PS2 | 56 | 12/30/2010 |
Sonic Unleashed | PS3 | 56 | 12/30/2010 |
Sonic Unleashed | Wii | 56 | 12/30/2010 |
Sonic Unleashed | Xbox 360 | 56 | 12/30/2010 |
Sonic X Shadow Generations | Nintendo Switch | 70 | 12/26/2024 |
Sonic X Shadow Generations | PC | 70 | 12/26/2024 |
Sonic X Shadow Generations | PS4 | 70 | 12/26/2024 |
Sonic X Shadow Generations | PS5 | 70 | 12/26/2024 |
Sonic X Shadow Generations | Xbox One | 70 | 12/26/2024 |
Sonic X Shadow Generations | Xbox Series X | 70 | 12/26/2024 |
Sonny with a Chance | Nintendo DS | 85 | 03/17/2010 |
Soon Shine | Wii U | 68 | 08/17/2014 |
Sorcery | PS3 | 61 | 05/21/2012 |
Sorcery Saga Curse of the Great Curry God | PS Vita | 58 | 12/14/2013 |
Sorry Aggravation Scrabble jr | Gameboy Advance | 79 | 01/07/2009 |
SOS Penguins! | iPod Touch | 87 | 02/12/2011 |
Soul Calibur IV | PS3 | 57 | 08/03/2008 |
Soul Calibur IV | Xbox 360 | 57 | 08/03/2008 |
Soul Calibur VI | PC | 46 | 08/04/2020 |
Soul Calibur VI | PS4 | 46 | 08/04/2020 |
Soul Calibur VI | Xbox One | 46 | 08/04/2020 |
Soul Surfer | DVD | 96 | 04/24/2012 |
Soulcalibur Legends | Wii | 33 | 01/18/2009 |
Sound Shapes | PS Vita | 88 | 08/18/2012 |
Sound Shapes | PS3 | 88 | 08/18/2012 |
Space Buddies | DVD | 83 | 02/08/2009 |
Space Chimps | PS2 | 78 | 07/25/2008 |
Space Chimps | Wii | 78 | 07/25/2008 |
Space Chimps | Xbox 360 | 78 | 07/25/2008 |
Space Disorder | iPad | 84 | 10/11/2012 |
Space Disorder | iPod Touch | 84 | 10/11/2012 |
Space Force Season One | Netflix | 39 | 06/17/2020 |
Space Force Season 2 | Netflix | 37 | 01/10/2023 |
Space Holiday | iPod Touch | 92 | 09/13/2012 |
Space Hulk | PC | 56 | 08/21/2013 |
Space Invaders Forever | Nintendo Switch | 75 | 12/21/2020 |
Space Invaders Forever | PS4 | 75 | 12/21/2020 |
Space Invaders Revolution | Nintendo DS | 62 | 03/17/2008 |
Space Jam | 4K Ultra HD | 80 | 07/06/2021 |
Space Jam | Blu-ray | 80 | 07/06/2021 |
Space Jam A New Legacy | DVD | 77 | 04/22/2023 |
Space Lift Danger Panic | Nintendo 3DS | 60 | 01/17/2015 |
Space Raiders | Gamecube | 45 | 06/15/2008 |
Space Run | PC | 70 | 06/14/2014 |
Spacejacked | Nintendo Switch | 61 | 06/14/2020 |
Spacejacked | Xbox One | 61 | 06/14/2020 |
Spacestation Sim | PC | 79 | 03/02/2008 |
Spacey McRacey | Evercade | 70 | 12/17/2022 |
Spacey McRacey | NES | 70 | 12/17/2022 |
Sparkle 2 | Xbox One | 90 | 02/02/2016 |
Sparkle Snapshots 3D | Nintendo 3DS | 90 | 10/24/2012 |
Sparkle Unleashed | Nintendo Switch | 90 | 12/30/2017 |
Special Enquiry Detail Engaged to Kill | iPad | 66 | 05/10/2013 |
Special When Lit | DVD | 81 | 04/30/2011 |
Spectre | DVD | 61 | 04/20/2022 |
Spectrobes Origins | Wii | 69 | 08/19/2009 |
Speed 3 Grand Prix | Nintendo Switch | 75 | 11/15/2020 |
Speed 3 Grand Prix | PS4 | 75 | 11/15/2020 |
Speed 3 Grand Prix | Xbox One | 75 | 11/15/2020 |
Speed Racer | Nintendo DS | 88 | 05/11/2008 |
Speed Racer | Wii | 86 | 05/14/2008 |
Speed Racer #1 | Comic Book | 72 | 12/10/2024 |
Speedball 2 Evolution | PS3 | 84 | 11/01/2011 |
Speedball 2 Evolution | PSP | 84 | 11/01/2011 |
Speedrunners | PC | 66 | 04/19/2016 |
SpeedX 3D Hyper Edition | Nintendo 3DS | 90 | 05/11/2013 |
Spellet | iPod Touch | 82 | 06/16/2012 |
Spelunker | NES | 81 | 06/08/2013 |
Spelunker | Wii U | 81 | 06/08/2013 |
Spelunker HD | PS3 | 85 | 12/04/2010 |
Spelunky 2 | Nintendo Switch | 69 | 01/29/2022 |
Spelunky 2 | PC | 69 | 01/29/2022 |
Spelunky 2 | PS4 | 69 | 01/29/2022 |
Spelunky 2 | Xbox One | 69 | 01/29/2022 |
Spelunky 2 | Xbox Series X | 69 | 01/29/2022 |
Spheroids | Wii U | 79 | 01/10/2017 |
Spice Invaders | iPad | 70 | 02/11/2012 |
Spice Invaders | iPod Touch | 70 | 02/11/2012 |
Spider-Gwen the Ghost Spider #1 | Comic Books | 71 | 07/22/2024 |
Spider-Gwen the Ghost Spider #2 | Comic Books | 69 | 07/28/2024 |
Spider-Gwen the Ghost Spider #3 | Comic Books | 66 | 09/24/2024 |
Spider-Gwen the Ghost Spider #4 | Comic Books | 67 | 10/19/2024 |
Spider-Gwen the Ghost Spider #5 | Comic Books | 67 | 10/26/2024 |
Spider-Gwen the Ghost Spider #6 | Comic Books | 67 | 11/21/2024 |
Spider-Gwen the Ghost Spider #67 | Comic Books | 66 | 12/29/2024 |
Spider-Gwen the Ghost Spider #68 | Comic Books | 68 | 01/19/2025 |
Spider-Gwen the Ghost Spider #69 | Comic Books | 70 | 02/18/2025 |
Spider-Gwen the Ghost Spider #70 | Comic Books | 70 | 03/16/2025 |
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Listing of Reviews